𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

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/7:15 PM/ Unknown number: I'm really sorry you didn't come. I wanted to tell you something important, but I see you still haven't forgiven me. I understand completely. I was such a dick. Please, just tell me that you're happy. That's all I need to hear

It had been about a month since the first message came through.

Taehyung continued to text you every day, never malicious or angry, but always telling you to take care of yourself or to remind you to eat. He always knew what to say, always had, and it made you a little happy. The way he spoke to you was so kind and caring, just like it used to be when the two of you were together. The way his words drew out your memories was both scary and nostalgic and made you feel something you hadn’t felt since he hurt you. They stirred your insides and brought you back to that night you and Taehyung cuddled for so long in your bed, his hands resting so softly on you, making you feel safe. How you wished you could go back to that time and confess before your hopes grew any higher. Maybe if you had done so then, Sangmi wouldn’t have hurt the both of you so badly.

Taehyung would sometimes tell you how sorry he was and how much he missed you, but you weren’t sure how to feel – happy that he missed you or upset because if he was so sorry, why did he do it in the first place. Seokjin tried to assure you that not even Taehyung knew what the truth was, and he genuinely believed he was in the right. That didn’t help, though, because then you just wanted to cry from how much you pitied him.

Of course, Seokjin knew everything that was happening. He knew how much you wanted to respond and how hard it was for you to keep yourself from biting the bullet and calling him, but he was a voice of reason for you, who were nothing but unreasonable. He calmed you down when you were too heated to think straight and would sing softly through the phone when you asked, his soft, sweet voice relaxing your muscles and sometimes even sending you off to sleep. One day when you told him that you were thinking of finally responding, he didn’t tell you not to, but made sure you knew just what you would be getting yourself into if you did: You would be right back where you were before, too starry-eyed to see straight and too in love to even care.

“I love you, and – despite what he did – I still love Tae,” he sighed one night, and you knew he was rubbing his forehead in frustration. Of course, he still loved Taehyung, he was practically your family. “But you need to be absolutely sure before you take any action, Y/N. If you still love Taehyung, then go for it, but if you’re even a little unsure, then don’t you dare say anything. Only go through with this if you have no doubt in your mind that you can handle it. None of us could stand to see you hurt again, Jagi.”

You placed your head in your free hand and let out a hard breath. He was right – he was always right – you still doubted Taehyung and you doubted your own strength. Sometimes, you wondered if the texts were just a trick to get him to trust you again. You wondered if Sangmi was pulling the strings and telling him what to say. If he and Sangmi would abuse that trust and hurt you again just to laugh at you.

But you also trusted him. Tae wasn’t a bad person, he just made bad decisions. Why would he hurt you like that again?

“I know, Oppa,” you half-heartedly answered your brother. “But, how can I just let this go? I still love him, and he just sounds so sad in some of his texts. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”

You heard your brother’s disapproving hum. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I could get Namjoon to check on him – or I could even check in if that’s what you want?”

It was obvious that this was the wiser decision, but you were reluctant to accept. You wanted to be the one that spoke with him and show him you still care. But, of course, you were going to listen to Seokjin. “Thank you, Oppa.”

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