𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗑

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Probably met in a music shop.
Because you work there.
(Obviously, we gonna keep this as cliche as possible.)
The extra incognito guy.
Dresses up like a grim reaper, but fashionable.
So you work there.
Yoongi, in his free time, goes outside as well but to certain places.
He simply doesn’t roam around.
Cause he saves energy for better thing.
(I’ll give you a hint: it involves closing eyes and lying in bed.)
But this particular music shop is very secluded.
And Yoongi likes it because it isn’t crowded.
He ventures through the small, cozy shop with an edm playing in the background.
When it gets too hot, he takes off his mask and look through the 80s CD.
He notices you but doesn’t care much. From the way you’re arranging the CDs, you obviously work here.
But then you notice the customer and suddenly drops the CD you were holding.
“Suga?!” You let out in a loud voice. He looks up, hearing his name. “I mean Agust D!” You slap your mouth shut as he quirk his eyebrow.
“Min Yoongi,” You whisper, looking embarrassed.
“Same person,” He smiles and of course you know that.
You turn away before you could embarrass yourself. Picking up the ruined CD, you walk towards the front desk.
He comes later to pay for the CDs he’s going to buy. You silently do the billing process.
“So, you know me?” He asks.
Oh please don’t make small conversation with me.
“Yeah...yeah, I do.” You answer with a stutter and blush. He hums.
He moves his head to the edm playing in background.
“You don’t have much collections in 80s do you?” He asks.
“The stock will be refilled by next week, you can come next week,” You look up, smiling and looking like a tomato. “Or not,” Surely, you must have creeped him out.
“Sure,” He shrugs.
You hand him the bag and accepts his credit card. He takes it back and you bow down to him briefly, out of respect.
“See you next week, then,” And you were not sure how to accept that sentence. But then you remind yourself that he doesn’t meant you you, but the store, for his collection.
“Um..I’m sorry for..,” You trail of, gesturing to the section where it all happened.
He nods, smiling. “Didn’t expect anyone to recognize me, but it was cool,” He smiles again.
But instead you nod and he gives a wave out of instinct. You slouch immediately and whine and hit yourself for being such a fool.

When Yoongi goes home, and as he is checking out his CDs, he couldn’t help but chuckle thinking of you.
He has met many fans going crazy over them but it was funny the way you were trying to figure out his name.
And the blush on your face.
Jin suspiciously looks at him.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re possessed,” Jin says, walking by.
Yoongi immediately stops smiling and clears his throat, giving an unimpressed look to his hyung.

He didn’t have to come next time, because sure, he can find those CDs somewhere else, but he’ll probably give an excuse of how it’s calming here than in other stores.
Again he notices you sitting behind the counter with a huge ass headphones and working on a the computer.
You look up when you notice someone standing in front of you.
Taking off your headphones clumsily, you stand up and greet the customer before he takes off his mask.
And of course, the one man you never want to meet again is here again.
“Did your shop restock?” He asks sugglishly.
“Ah, yeah..,” You says and guide him to the section. “Sorry, it’s a little messy, they came in yesterday and I didn’t get time to put it away.” Blush works on your cheeks when you see the mess yourself.
“But I’ve liked, kept them along with years, so you can still check it out,” He nods and you move aside to let him see. You stand there, noticing him looking through the stack, nose would scrunch sometimes in a thought and constantly lick his lips.
He looks up to notice you still standing there, “You can do whatever you were doing, I’m good,” He politely says.
“Su-sure,” You stutter and rush back to your counter but this time not wearing your headphones.
A little while later, he comes back with few CDs in his hand.
“Who’s that playing in the background?” He casually ask, keeping the CDs on the counter.
“It’s not some artist,” You meekly reply and type in the prices for CDs. He looks up and raise his eyebrows for further elaboration.
“It’s just my piece,” You tell him. “Since I’m always here, it’s better listening to my own songs,” You shrug and calculate the total amount before handing him the bill.
“The tune is really good, it’s impressive,” He genuinely says and you smile a little.
After packing his CDs, you handed him the plastic and blush tomato red when your fingers graze his but he was looking around.
“Do you stock equipments as well?” His voice contains impressed tone.
“Um...yeah. But they are no so branded. Since nobody buys them around here, but we still do keep it because teenagers always want low priced things,” You inform him as he makes a noise of confirm in his throat.
“It's a nice place,” He comments and you nod along.
It’s not a big place but you try to make it comfortable and welcoming to the customer, since you practically live here, it should be homey for you as well.
“I’ll get going then, thanks for the CDs,” He says and raised his hand to show the plastic.
“Thank you for stopping by, come back again.” You say your farewell line to the customer with a happy tone.
He gives a small smile and leave and once he does you finally breathe out and slump on the chair.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 | 𝐊- 𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now