𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

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Chapter 15: An Invitation

Taehyung steps back into the tiny toy shop where he purchased the art kits for the school. The owner recognizes him and her eyes smile as she remembers the thank you card left at her door the night before. He looks around the shop to be sure no one is in before he approaches her at the counter.

"Good Morning," he pulls down his mask to smile at her, perhaps a little too friendly. He recognizes she holds the key to his next contact with Miss Wright.

"Hello, I didn't expect you so soon Mr. Kim." She smiles at him, studying his eagerness and wondering at it.

"I had some business in the area," he lies; he actually came directly to the shop the moment he said goodbye to Jimin and is almost bouncing with anticipation at holding onto something she has touched. The shop owner nods and reaches down under the counter. She lifts up a large envelop, hand made, in deep red paper, with the shop address written in beautiful script. She hands it to him. He stares at the envelop before reaching out his hand to take it.

"You will forgive me for opening it, it was addressed to the shop but of course the sentiment is intended for you. I believe the children were very excited to get the new supplies." He smiles as he holds the heavy paper in his hand, running his finger over the lettering. "I do hope you will come back to my shop if you wish to purchase any additional items for the children." He thinks for a moment and then looks up at her.

"Actually, do you have any small sized gardening tools? For planting and flower arranging?" She smiles and nods, motioning for him to follow her to a shelf.

"This delivery I promise I will put your information on it," she says.

"Oh that won't be necessary, I think she will know it's from me." She stops and turns to him, studying him, intrigued, before she continues to lead him to the shelf and the gardening tools.


Taehyung sits at the table in a small cafe nearby. Twenty minutes have passed and he is still sipping his drink and holding the card, unopened. He thought he would be so eager to see the note that he would tear into it instantly, but, his restraint in the store, has allowed him to reconsider, and to treat the card as a jewel to be treasured. He flips over the envelop and marvels at the seal, hand made in a deep purple wax. He lifts the edge of the flap carefully, and peeks inside. He can see a piece of heavy paper, folded in half like a card, with colorful markings on it. He slips the paper out from the envelop and opens the fold, revealing the drawings made in several different hands, and the names, written in rough lettering. Black ink appears at the bottom of the note, in lovely script.

'To the generous soul who gave us light in a dark moment,
We thank you for your kindness. The children are happily planning their masterpieces. Please consider coming by the school to see our new gallery of artwork. The children, and I, would like to thank you in person.

Miss Hana Wright, Teacher, School For Young Minds'

He gasps at the words and smiles so broadly that his mouth forms a rectangle under his mask. He looks around the quiet cafe to see if anyone has noticed his sudden change in his mood, or the sudden shift in his hopes and dreams. No one has looked his way. He looks back at the note in his hands, running his finger over her invitation, for, it is an invitation, to see her again, to try again to make a good impression, and to win her heart.

He pulls out his phone, scanning past the image of her saved in his album, stopping momentarily to regard it and smiling. Then he dials Jimin.

"Tae, is everything OK?" he answers quickly.

"Yes, it's great, she's inviting me to come see the artwork the children created with the materials I sent." He smiles at the sound of the words.

"I thought she didn't know they were from you?"

"She doesn't, the card is addressed to, here- let me read it to you." He opens the card and looks over the art. "There are several drawings the children have done of smiling faces, and one made a self portrait I think at an easel, painting, wearing the green apron I chose. And her words..." He sighs as he reads it to himself again. "Listen to this, 'to the generous soul who gave us light in a dark moment," He pauses to let the words sink in. Jimin makes a noise on the line.

"Awww, very sweet." Taehyung continues.

"We thank you for your kindness. The children are happily planning their masterpieces. Please consider coming by the school to see our new gallery of artwork. The children, and I," he emphasizes the last words carefully, "would like to thank you in person...Isn't that wonderful?" He clutches the card to his chest, gripping it tightly.

"Taehyung, it sounds like a beautiful invitation. Now, how are you going to explain why you didn't tell her that the art kits you helped her put away were from you?" Taehyung hadn't thought about that, he was too busy basking in the glow of the possibilities for a second meeting. He pauses, his brow furrowed.

"Would that be so strange? It didn't come up at the time, I mean, it didn't seem like the right time to mention it." He considers.

"Call the school and schedule a visit with Mrs. Lee, you can figure it out later." He nods, agreeing as his mind floods with plans.

"Would you go with me, again?"

"I think this time you should do this on your own." He realizes it's probably for the best, he can't keep pretending to Mrs. Lee that Jimin is just his business associate, and not his oldest friend and partner. Taehyung hangs up and immediately dials the number for the school, now saved in his contact list.

"Mrs. Lee, Hello, it's Mr. Kim. I wanted to know if I might come by the school this afternoon. I have a contractor scheduled, he should be calling you later, but I have an invitation from Miss Wright to visit some of the children's artwork," he speaks quickly, hoping to convince her to just say 'yes' without any further questions.

"Of course, come at tea time, 3:30. The children bake their own biscuits and make tea, and would be happy to have you join them." Her words cause an avalanche of joy to crash down on him, realizing he is so welcome at the school, and by the children, and most importantly, by Miss Wright.

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