𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗏𝖾

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Chapter 19


hi, this is the longest author note in a while but a few things:
1) I thought of not sharing this til the next chapter, but I feel like that would be worst. I am delaying the smut for the time being, big yikes sorry. But just by one chapter or so.
2) I keep apologizing but I've been extremely busy and so I keep writing in bits and pieces/sporadically, explaining a lot of the plot inconsistencies, plot holes. Because I don't have time to refresh myself with previous chapters (which I usually do)
3) Would adding a little more jealousy be overkill at this point?
4) Hoseok in the letterman jacket is an actual pic but idk where its from. If you find it please share.

Thank you for putting up with me even though I'm pretty terrible and inaccessible right now. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Chapter Text

You were fidgeting again.

Granted, you'd always been somewhat of a nervous flyer. Not like nervous you were gonna die or the plane would crash, but nervous you would puke all over your seatmates lap and then pass out from embarrassment. Your stomach did not agree with the not so friendly skies or the cabin pressure and by effect you'd always been reluctant when it came to travelling. Jimin was usually your partner, but for obvious reasons he wasn't accompanying you-which he would've insisted upon doing if you weren't currently avoiding him.

Your anger towards him had waned some, and guilt had dug its ugly claws in almost immediately. It wasn't a matter of choosing one over the other-it wasn't that simple and even if it were you would never choose. It was more so the insult of having Jimin stick his nose where it didn't belong and he hadn't realized that yet. You weren't ignoring him, but avoiding him was a byproduct of just not wanting to deal with it. You had so much on your plate already, trying to add your brother to mix only made it that much more stressful.

Still, you had an inkling he had talked to your Hoseok-it was probably his version of an olive branch. The conversation you'd had with Hoseok before boarding was way too telling.

"Are you sure you got everything?" He asks.

"Even if I didn't, it wouldn't make much of a difference now, would it?" You snort, pressing your phone between your ear and your shoulder. You adjust in the uncomfortable waiting area seats and try not to stare at your friend-she seemed to be a phone call of her own but this one was much more hushed.

Hoseok laughs at you and it draws you from your temporary daze.

"Did you stop by a pharmacy on your way to the airport?" He asks.

"Yes, Mom." You roll your eyes, triple checking if you actually bought the damn medicine. You know you did, you also know you put it in your purse-but Hoseok's insistence at making sure you were flight ready was making you doubt yourself.

"If we're doing this, now might be the time to try out the Daddy thing." He drawls and you sigh in exasperation.

"You're gross." You inform.

"And yet you're still so into me. It's crazy." He returns and this time you don't even chastise his blatant flirting.

"How was your flight?" You change the subject, more so for your sanity than anything else. You were practically vibrating with anticipation.

"It was alright. I slept through the entire thing which is shocking, but I got to the resort and checked us in. This place is like, stupid nice." Hoseok says, examining a marble pillar on his end. "Everything's like gold and granite and expensive. An influencer's wet dream."

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