𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗑

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Chapter 7: Advice from Mrs. Choi

Taehyung sits in his kitchen in the early morning, nervous and anxious. Today is the day. His housekeeper finishes his dishes and turns to look at him, watching his knee bouncing under the counter as he quickly flips through the magazine in front of him trying to distract himself.

"Mr. Kim, you seem not yourself today. Did you sleep ok?" she asks.

"I am a little restless this morning. I have an important meeting this afternoon and I'm feeling a little nervous." He looks up at her. Mrs. Choi has been his housekeeper for years and she knows a lot about him and his family.

"I'm sure you will do fine, you are always well prepared." He smiles at her. "Is this to do with the group?" she asks. He shakes his head 'no'.

"No, it's all me. Maybe that's it, it's hard to have to do things by yourself, but this has to be done."

"I don't think you have to do anything that makes you nervous all on your own. Ask Mr. Jimin to go with you." Her words take him by surprise. He hadn't thought about it but having his oldest friend join him might make this easier. He takes a moment to consider the possibility. She stares at him, waiting to see his worried expression dissipate. He smiles up at her.

"I think you're right Mrs. Choi." She nods as though she already knows this is a forgone conclusion. She turns back to the chores in the kitchen and he gets up from the counter as he pulls out his phone, already calling Jimin.

He walks straight to the window and looks out over the sunny day, feeling grateful the rain stopped because it means he will probably be able to see the children's art in the garden of their preschool. He is distracted from his thoughts as his old friend answers.

"Jimin ah, are you free today? I have a really special favor to ask." He speaks quickly, nervously. Jimin's voice chuckles on the other end of the line.

"I thought you might call me this morning." Taehyung's face wrinkles as he tries to decide what would make him say that and then he realizes,

"Jungkook called you," he says, not questioning. Jimin laughs again.

"I saw him yesterday. I'm actually a little hurt you didn't call me first." His tone is more serious and Taehyung frowns feeling a little sorry that he didn't reach out sooner.

"I didn't actually call anyone, I happened to see Yoongi and Joon but apart from them, and of course Jungkook, I haven't discussed it with anyone else. Can you come over? Maybe join me today?" He knows that Jimin would do anything for him, and he also knows he will support him. He should have reached out to him the first day, as soon as he got home.

"I'll be over in twenty minutes."

Jimin is there for all the members, being so considerate, and seeming to know just what they need to make them feel better, but, he has always, always been there for Taehyung. Their bond is perhaps stronger than any other in the group having spent so much time together before and after debut, and essentially, growing up together. Taehyung feels better already just knowing Jimin is coming to be by his side.

Mrs Choi comes out of the kitchen just as he hangs up the phone. He sees her putting her jacket over her shoulders on her small frame.

"Are you finished already Mrs. Choi?" She nods.

"I don't have much to clean now that you only use a small part of this big apartment." She shakes her head in disapproval. She was sad to see his parents return to Daegu. He knew she felt close to them and enjoyed looking after them just as much as she did him. "Why don't you get a smaller apartment, you don't need all these rooms." She fans her arm around the room indicating the four empty bedrooms down the hall. Even when his sister was staying with them they didn't need to use all the bedrooms in the apartment. There was always one reserved for one of the members who might stay over late working. He smiles at her shaking his head.

"Mrs. Choi, can I tell you a secret?" He leans in closer and she stops buttoning up her jacket and leans closer. "I want to fill those bedrooms with children." She laughs and waves her hand at him.

"That's no secret. I know that." She chuckles to herself. "You want a big family. But you don't stay with girls long enough to start your family," she scolds him. He realizes this is a fair assessment.

"But that's about to change." She gasps at his words. Her eyes get big. She stares at him as a smile forms at the corner of her mouth and begins to spread.

"You are getting married?!" He nods.

"I found the girl." She claps her hands together as though it's the news she hoped for most.

"You are getting married!" He loves the sound of it as her words repeat. "Why is it a secret?" She furrows her brow.

"Well, there is one complication. I haven't asked her yet."

"She will say 'yes'. How could anyone resist you?" He smiles at her optimism.

"She doesn't know how I feel about her yet." She shakes her head.

"You better be honest and quick. Don't keep her guessing. Women want to know where they stand. No games." She shakes her finger at him as though she's warning him. He hangs his head, deciding this is all he's ready to confess right now.

"I will certainly try my best. I'm meeting her today." It's the truth but she probably wouldn't assume he means 'for the first time'. "I wonder, if you wouldn't mind maybe choosing something from my closet for me to wear. Something that looks professional and would make a good impression." She laughs at the idea. She knows he is much more current with fashion than she is and the idea of her choosing his clothing is absurd. "I just want to wear something today that will look more traditional, conservative."

"Ok but if she has to love you for yourself, as you are, so don't try to be anyone else." She walks directly back to his room to lay something out for him to wear. It's true, she should love him as he is, and he isn't particularly conservative in his dress, but he is going to a preschool, and will likely meet the Director. He wants to look professional to everyone so they understand that he is serious. He may have never been more serious about anything in his life.

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