𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾

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Chapter 2: Convincing Jungkook

"What?!" Jungkook laughs at the words. Taehyung turns to him as the news anchor comes back on the screen.

"Can you rewind it? Can I see it again?!" he asks in a needy, desperate voice. Jungkook shrugs and picks up a remote.

"Sure." He presses a button on the remote and rewinds back through the news piece until the news anchor reappears. Taehyung leans closer to the screen, listening more carefully this time.

"School For Young Minds is a small preschool in Seongbuk-gu, it's walls in need of repair, it has a leaky roof, but one teacher is trying to make a difference in her students lives by fostering their creativity. Budget cut backs and resident families with low incomes have forced her to get creative herself in her goal to help Korea's future generation thrive. Now, more information from our reporter in the field, Park Jongpil." Taehyung leans forward and points to the screen looking over quickly at Jungkook who is standing above him still holding the remote.

"There! Pause it!" he shouts as the reporter interviews the teacher. Jungkook pauses the screen and looks at the frozen image of the young woman, foreign, pretty but not someone who you'd pay more than the average amount of attention to if she passed you on the street. He looks at Taehyung. "That's her, the teacher. Look at her," he says with a sort of dreamy voice, smiling from ear to ear.

"What?" Jungkook doesn't get it.

"That's the girl," Taehyung explains.

"The girl you're going to marry..." he says flatly, raising an eyebrow skeptically.


"Some foreign girl you don't even know off the tv..." he continues, unimpressed.

"I don't know where she's from but I know where to find her- School For Young Minds. Play it," he orders. Jungkook presses the button to continue the broadcast. They both watch as she speaks to the reporter, and then as she helps the children make their handprints on the large pot. He speaks over the footage.

"Forced to pay for art supplies herself, she's managed to find overstock supplies from garden centers and even make paint pigments from vegetables, a skill she passed on to her students." As the reporter finishes his piece, the anchor continues, "If you'd like to help support the school financially, please visit their website, or reach out to them at 'School For Young Minds,' on social media. The contact info is on your screen now." Taehyung grabs a pen and paper from a side table and scribbles a note. Jungkook stares at him, unconvinced.

"Are you really going to contact this person? You don't even know her," he argues.

"Yes, right now." He smiles. Jungkook shakes his head.

"Don't you think you are being a little impulsive? We were just talking about finding someone to marry and you probably just have this too much on your mind right now. Give it a day," he suggests. Taehyung shakes his head 'no'.

"I've waited long enough," he reasons, standing up. "She loves art, she loves kids, she's beautiful, it's her."

"But she doesn't know you at all, what would you even say? 'hey I saw you on tv and I want to marry you,' that's lowkey creepy Taehyung." He laughs at the idea. Taehyung turns to him, his eyes saddened by his brothers' lack of faith.

"I always wondered if I would know instantly when I found the right girl. I didn't know, until today, and now that I do, I'm going to find her and marry her. All I have to do is reach out to the school. They need financial support, they need a benefactor, that can be me!" He smiles at Jungkook as his mind fills with plans.

"Just wait long enough to have lunch and we can talk this over." He grabs his keys off the table.

"OK, but you won't change my mind," he warns, putting the piece of paper into his jacket pocket.

"If you still want to reach out after lunch, then do, but lets eat first, I'm starving." He smiles at Taehyung. "Head to the elevator, I'm going to grab something and lock up," he instructs, waving him off. When Taehyung steps outside the front door, Jungkook picks up his phone and dials. He speaks softly, watching the open doorway. "Yoongi hyung, can you meet Tae and me for lunch in fifteen, he's got this crazy idea of contacting some girl he saw on the news and asking her to marry him. I think he's just missing his family but I don't want him to do something he'll regret..." He listens as Yoongi speaks but he hears Taehyung calling to him.

"Elevator's here." Jungkook moves the phone aside and calls to him,

"Coming, hold it for me!" Then he turns back to Yoongi on the phone, "Yeah, Kwansooksoo...fifteen minutes...Yes I'll treat." He rolls his eyes and hangs up the phone to follow after Taehyung. He steps onto the elevator and notices he's smiling broadly, looking at the floor, as if still deep in thought. The elevator doors close and Taehyung turns to him.

"Just think, this time next year I might be about to be a father," he says, smiling. Jungkook smiles back, but says nothing, reserving his thoughts until he has more back up.

When they arrive at the restaurant Jungkook asks for a table for three and Taehyung looks at him surprised.

"Yoongi is working at the studio and said he would join us. He should be here soon," he explains. Taehyung smiles but studies his friend's nervous reaction as they sit down near the window, away from the other diners. Jungkook smiles at the waiter who nervously tries to hand him a menu.

"We don't need menus. We're waiting for one more." He bows his head slightly and turns to walk away just as Yoongi comes through the door, looking a bit rough from a night in the studio. Some of the other patrons turn to look at him, judging his appearance. He grins at one woman and takes an oyster off her plate, slurping it down laughing.

"Put it on his bill," he says pointing to Jungkook at the table watching him. Taehyung turns to look at him as he strolls up to the table grinning broadly. "Hello boys, how are we today?" He takes a seat next to Jungkook so he can look at Taehyung. Jungkook watches him.

"Rough night?" he asks.

"I've got a few songs I'm working on, I've been up all night, so I'm glad you invited me to breakfast." He grins.

"It's lunchtime." Taehyung smiles at him. Yoongi shoots a look across the table, studying him.

"What's this about you getting married?" he asks immediately. Jungkook turns to him with a look of angered shock. Taehyung looks up at Jungkook and then back at Yoongi before smiling.

"Oh he told you did he? Is this some sort of intervention?" Yoongi laughs.

"No, I'd never be part of that. So what's the story then?" The waiter comes up again at the worst moment. He looks to each of them unsure and Jungkook shakes his head 'no', silently, making him back away from the table.

"I have been thinking about getting married and starting a family for a while. I thought I would be by now." He shrugs. He looks out the window at the blue sky, noticing a trail of fluffy clouds. "I just haven't met the right person."

"Sounds like you still haven't." Yoongi laughs a little. Taehyung shoots him a look.

"Not yet, officially, no. But I will."

"So what's the plan?"

"I reach out to the school where she works, and ask if I can help. When I visit, I can meet her. Look, I promise I'll just meet her and see how it goes. I really think it's her. But I won't do anything unwise."

"That would make a first." Yoongi bursts out laughing and motions for the waiter to come back over.

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