𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝗈

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Chapter 9


comedy, heavy flirting and angst but it gets better soon.

Chapter Text

"A mental health day?" You ask through the phone and immediately wince at the sounds of pots and pans clanging in the background.

"Yeah." Hoseok exhales and he's sitting on your bed. He tries not to fixate on the fact that you'd woken up and left this morning without so much as a goodbye. You had however tried to wake him up for work once, but he'd waved you off and you gave direct instructions to Mrs. Lee to check in several times.

Either way you had been on the road by eight thirty and your parents estate by nine. You drove twenty over the speed limit to get there because you couldn't be entirely sure how much longer you'd last with your Aunt and your cousins, before you drove off a cliff. As annoying as they were, it only seemed to intensify when you'd gotten into the car. Jisoo had asked to be connected to the Bluetooth and insisted on playing some techno music that gave your heart palpitations-especially when she played it a volume above deafening. Taehyung had his bare foot over the vent of your air conditioner and was eating in your car after he'd nagged you for McDonald's for what seemed like forever. You'd probably be cleaning french fries out from your seat for the next week.

And your Aunt? God, your Aunt she just never shut up it seemed like. Even with all the recharging you did with Hoseok yesterday, she was wearing on your nerves and you knew for a fact that if you hadn't taken the other night off you wouldn't stand a chance.

"___, why is it you and Hoseok haven't tried for a child yet?"

You nearly swerve into oncoming traffic, tripping over your words, "What ... I-you .. I mean.."

A sharp slap on your back has you yelping in pain and when you glance in the rear view mirror, Jisoo sends you an innocent smile. "I thought you were choking."

You scowl at her, but keep a tight grip on the steering wheel. Taehyung takes the opportunity to insert his two sense. "It's a simple question. Why haven't you tried yet? Unless ... Jung Hoseok's disgusted by the thought of touching you which I wouldn't put past him. You are kind of ... homely. All that money and you couldn't get even a little work done? He doesn't give you an allowance."

You suck in a deep breath and will your emotions to stay at bay. It hits too close to home, and Taehyung was so gifted at zeroing in on your insecurities and then preying on them. You were sure he could read the body language between the two of you well enough, and you're lucky you and Hoseok's were able to come to a compromise before they came. Otherwise things would've been astronomically worse. Taehyung would take one look at the two of you and know there was something funny going on.

"Hoseok's bringing his first year as CEO to a close, and we decided it would be best to wait until things died down a little bit," you explain and it's a lie. You and Hoseok haven't discussed anything-you'd only just started being able to be in the same room together. But At Least the first part was true. You know the only reason his parents haven't been pushing for an heir was because he had his hands full. He needed his focus to be one hundred and ten percent on the company. And yet his mother was still persistent and consistent with sending you fertility pills and pregnancy books. The reminder made you sigh.

"Well, I only ask because there's this nasty little rumor going around about you at the country club," she mentions offhandedly and you're grateful you're turning into your parents compound.

You only half pay attention to her out of self preservation.

"That Jung Hoseok's so turned off by his new wife he has her sleep in the opposite wing."

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