𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗐𝗈

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Chapter 13: Enter Hope

Taehyung opens the door to Hoseok and he immediately bounces through the doorway full of the energy a day at the studio has given him. His smile is broad and he stops long enough to look Taehyung up and down, noting his red eyes and sorrowful look.

"Tae, let's talk!" He walks right in to the living room and drops to the couch, patting the cushion next to him for Taehyung to sit down. He stands across from him, not looking at him.

"Do you want some tea?" he offers meekly. Hoseok regards him, his suit is wrinkled, his eyes still puffy and his expression empty.

"I think you should open something stronger." Taehyung nods and shuffles to the kitchen to find something else to offer. Hoseok gets up and runs after him. He takes a seat at the counter, watching as Taehyung opens a bottle of red wine and pours out two glasses. He sits quietly across from Hoseok, starring down into the glass, not drinking it. Hoseok watches him carefully. "Tell me what's going on? Who are you proposing to?" Taehyung sighs.

"I found the girl I'm going to marry." He shrugs his shoulders, still looking into his glass.

"That's great! Isn't it?" Hoseok says loudly, but looks confused. He takes a small sip from the glass. Taehyung looks up into his eyes for the first time.

"She's in love with someone else." He drops his eyes as the awful sentence passes over his lips. Hoseok's eyes grow wide and he frowns.

"Ooooh." He shakes his head. "That's terrible news." He looks down at the counter with a sorrowful expression to match Taehyungs. "Wait, back up. Who were you going to marry?" He looks up confused. Taehyung half smiles as he thinks about the question.

"I saw a girl. I fell in love. I met her, and she has someone else already, someone she moved to Korea for, so it must be serious." He stares into his untouched glass. Hoseok nods then looks confused again.

"Hold up, you fell in love, then you met her? Doesn't it usually happen the other way?" He blinks hard trying to make sense of what he's been told. Taehyung looks up at him.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Hoseok's eyes narrow as he considers the question.

"I think so. I do believe there are people you are suppose to meet, and be connected to." Taehyung nods realizing Hoseok does understand.

"Well, I saw a news report about a little preschool that needs help fixing their building, and a teacher, who was spending her own money to buy art supplies for her students. She came here from America, and she has the most beautiful eyes and such a kind face." Hoseok rests his head on his hand as his expression grows dreamy listening to the story. "When I saw her, I felt it, instantly. I felt, love." Hoseok nods. Taehyung looks up at him. "I felt it so strong and I was absolutely sure, right then, that she is the one for me."

"How did you meet her?"

"Today, Jimin and I went to the school to see if we could help, to get them supplies and make repairs to their building."

"This happened today?" he asks surprised. Taehyung nods again. "Who else knows about this?"

"Jimin was with me, he knows everything, and Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi know I was going to meet her."

"Where have I been that I'm the last to know?!" he asks a little wounded.

"Well, I didn't want everyone to know. Jungkook was there when I saw her the first time and he got everyone else involved to try to persuade me that meeting her was a bad idea."

"Was it?" Taehyung isn't sure of the answer.

"It wasn't the least awkward meeting I've ever had." He chuckles remembering getting caught peeking in windows. "She doesn't know who I am, and I think she was oddly curious about me, but, I couldn't tell if there was anymore on her side."

"What about on your side?" Hobi studies him closely. Taehyung sighs at his question.

"On my side...I'm in love with her. She's perfect for me. She should be with me." He swirls the wine in the glass, still not drinking it.

"Then, you have to find a way to let her know." Taehyung looks up at him curiously. "You don't know her really yet, you should just spend more time with her. If it's meant to be, she will see that too." He blinks hard, almost not believing the words. It's the last thing he expected to be told. He assumed Hoseok would tell him 'there are plenty of fish in the sea' and 'get out there and find someone new'. He half considered not letting him come over because that was the last thing he wanted to hear tonight.

"Jimin told me I shouldn't see her again, because she's with someone else. He doesn't want me to get hurt. But I'm already hurt."

"What do you want?"

"I want to see her again. I want to spend as much time with her as possible." Hoseok nods, understanding.

"Then find a way. You're helping the school right? I'm sure you can find plenty of reasons to visit." Taheyung smiles up at him. His first real smile all evening. Hoseok is pleased with himself.

"Do you really think I should? I want to, but Jimin thought it wouldn't be fair on this person she's involved with."

"You never know, fate is a funny thing. If you're sure about her, I say 'go for it'!" His smile spreads from ear to ear and his eyes brighten. Taehyung leans in, feeling stronger, and more hopeful for his future. He holds his glass up to Hoseok in a toast.

"I think you're right Hyung."

"I'm always right. I'm your Hope remember," he teases, clinking his glass against Taehyung's before taking a bigger sip. "Now, let's make a plan for tomorrow."

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