𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

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Chapter 6: End Stage

When they reach his dorm, she looks up at the apartment building with a glint of surprise. Perhaps it's a little fancier than she was expecting, from the outside anyway. He's wondering how he can sneak her into his room without meeting the others. As they reach the door to his apartment, he turns to her to hush her.

"My roommates might be sleeping," he whispers to her, hoping it's true. He has no idea how to make this introduction if they are up.

"The ones from the club?" she asks. He nods as he quietly opens the door, and tiptoes into the dark apartment. He looks around for some form of life, and sees all the lights are off, and all the doors to their rooms are open. He exhales in relief.

"They must still be out," he tells her. "Want anything to drink, I mean like juice or something?" he offers, unsure what to offer a girl he brought home from a club having never done it before. She shakes her head and reaches up to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He steps toward her as she leans in sloppily and their foreheads bang together. She pulls back laughing, rubbing her head, and he smiles, blushing with embarrassment.

"Let's try that again. Hold still," she tells him and he stands up straight and waits to see what she will do next. She leans up on tiptoes and slowly presses her lips against his. He feels the warmth of her skin so close and he wraps his arms over her waist, pulling her in closer as the kiss deepens. She tastes sweet from the strange liquor, and her long eyelashes tickle his cheek as they flutter open. She pulls back to smile at him and for just a moment, she sways, losing her balance a little. She stumbles and he tries to catch her, moving forward to grip her just as she moves backward, and within an instant they are both on the floor of his shared living room, laughing through the pain of the fall.

"Oh God, this isn't good. The room is spinning," she says, shielding her eyes with her arm. He plants a kiss on her cheek as he lays above her, wanting so much more, but also feeling the room spin.

"It's OK, we can just get some rest, just sleep a little, until we feel better," he says, wishing it wasn't the right decision.

"I'm going to have such a terrible headache tomorrow! I start a new job in the morning and I'm going to be wrecked," she complains. He looks at her curiously, wondering why she would agree to such a wild night when she had so much at stake the next morning, but then he remembers he has dance rehearsal in the morning, early, so he's going to be in the same sorry state she's in. An idea forms in his mind, as he lays on top of her, still wishing they weren't quite so wasted. He kisses her on the cheek quickly, and hops up to his feet, definitely unsteady, but a little more sure of his footing than she is. He grabs her hands, tugging at her.

"Come on, I have an idea," he says as he pulls her up to stand in front of him, still swaying. "I will make us a vitamin smoothie, with all good stuff in it, so we can feel better." He leads her towards his messy batchelor pad kitchen and begins to drag fresh fruit and vegetables out of the refrigerator. He places each offering onto the counter. As she watches him, her eyes narrow, suspiciously, and she wonders what he has planned.

He pulls down a blender from a cabinet and begins to stuff pieces of fruit, whole, and leaves of vegetables into the container, measuring nothing. He smiles at her slyly as though this is the best idea he's had in a long time. He turns the blender on and it whirs as it tries to grind through the assortment of chunks inside it. She frowns at the noise of the struggling device.

"I think it needs some sort of liquid," she offers. He holds up one finger, realizing she's right. He returns to the fridge and looks through it to see bottled water and banana milk. He pulls out the banana milk and pours the contents of the bottle into the blender. He tries again and this time the blender surges to life, spinning the ingredients into a thick mush that is somehow both pink and green at the same time. He pulls out two glasses from his cabinet and he pours equal amounts into each glass. She looks at him unsure as he pushes the glass towards her across the counter.

He lifts the glass to his lips, and takes a sip confidently. She watches him, still unsure but she lifts the glass and follows after him to drink down the thick strange colored liquid. He puts the glass down, making a gagging face as he finally tastes the awful concoction. She swallows the drink, and immediately doubles over from the horrid taste of it.

"It's awful!" she cries out. He laughs, agreeing with her. She stands up, looking at him in a panic. "I'm going to be sick! Where is your bathroom?!" she cries out, putting her hand over her mouth. He looks back at her in shock and then grabs her arm and rushes to get her into his bathroom in the hallway nearby. She rushes through the door, slamming it shut behind her and he stands at the closed door, listening to the sounds of her violently removing the contents of that smoothie from her stomach. He bites his lip, feeling sorry for himself that he was so convinced this was the right thing to do. He hears the water running in the sink. After a long pause, she opens the door, looking very rough. She shakes her head.

"I am so sorry," she offers. "I can just get a cab home." He shakes his head, smiling at her.

"No don't do that, just come lay down, I'm sure we will both be ok in a few hours." he offers, pulling her into his embrace. He's sorry he gave her such a wicked drink, and sorry he let both of them get so wasted at the club, but he can still make it up to her, by just taking care of her tonight. Even if that's all they will have. He leads her towards his room, and his small twin bed and he pulls the covers back on the unmade bed for her to climb in. She looks at him unsure.

"I can just sleep here on the floor, it will be ok," he offers. She shakes her head and she steps closer to him, reaching out to embrace him.

"I don't want you to do that, stay here, with me," she says as she pulls him towards his bed and sits down on the mattress. He lays down, fully clothed, and she lays down beside him, with her clothing on. He lays back, raising his arm up to prop under his head and she turns to him, cuddling up against his arm, with her head on his chest. He smiles at the scent of her hair so close to his face, and the feel of her hand sliding over his chest to pull herself closer to him. He thought there would be more adventure to come tonight, but he knows that this is definitely the best decision, for both of them. He closes his eyes, feeling a little of the spinning room begin to slow, as he drifts off to sleep with her in his arms.

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