𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

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Birthday to my Love



In where Taehyung decides to treat you on your birthday, then for his birthday, you decide to do the same for him.


This was a gift for a friend of mine for her birthday but I decided to post it here. Also, she loved it so much that she wanted a second part so it became a two-shot lmao


Chapter 1: his treat to you

It was a quiet evening, you were on your way to the apartment you share with Taehyung. Taehyung is your boyfriend of 4 years; you two first met in the last year of high school but the two of you were only friends since you only had two classes together.

Once you both graduated; you two didn't see each other until your 2nd year of university. You were on your way to the library to print out an assignment your biology professor assigned you. Once you finished, since you weren't looking, on your way out you bumped into someone.

It was non-other than Taehyung himself. Both of you went to the same university but you two were studying different majors. You studied Biology and he studied Music and Acting. Since then you two promised each other to meet every day at the same time at the library.

That's how you guys spend the entire year until he later asked you to be his girlfriend. Obviously, you said yes; you had a crush ever since you met him in high school but you were afraid that confessing to him will ruin your friendship with him. Luckily, it all worked out in the end and now you two have been together for 4 years now.

Now you are in front of the apartment door. You were excited to finally be home and relax on the couch with Taehyung. Also, today is your birthday, after a long ass day in your internship and a text from Taehyung that read as, "Happy Birthday to my gorgeous princess ^^ I hope you have a wonderful day today, just wait until you get home. I have a little surprise for you, my love ;)"

With that, you couldn't think clearly the entire day. That text always on the back of your mind distracting you from what you were doing. Thank God, you're finally home. You opened the door and walked inside. "Babe! I'm home!" You yelled while closing the door behind you.

No response. "Weird," you thought, "he always greets me once I arrived. Maybe he's not here yet."

You set your purse on top of the dinner table and walked towards the living room. You see his jacket on the couch. "So he is here, then why didn't-?" You cut yourself off once you see a note on the coffee table in front of the couch. You sat on the couch, took the note and read it.


You know how much I love you and today is your birthday. WHY DON'T WE CELEBRATE IT GOING TO THAT TRAMPOLINE PLACE?

Okay, no, that's just what I want for my birthday. Hey, now you know! Anyways I know you're tired so I booked you a relaxing spa just for you, for tomorrow; since you know, it's late already and tomorrow is Saturday. ANYWAYS!

I need my baby all nice and relax. I don't want her to be all stressed out. But right now, go to our bedroom. I'll be waiting for you.

I love you baby girl!

Your Prince,

You laughed at the note. Why does he have to be so extra? And he even gave you an appointment for a spa. He just spoils you a lot. Putting the note down, you made your way towards your bedroom. Opening the door, you gasped.

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