𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

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Jimin likes to roam around Seoul during his free time.
Another Incognito guy.
As much he likes his fans and roaming around freely, he doesn't like getting mobbed or recognized.
That one runway model even on streets.
Saw you when you were carrying a carton inside a building. Perhaps you were moving in.
He didn't mean to look at you for so long, but he did look at you for so long.
He wanted to help just pure out of good intentions, as a good citizen but he doesn't approach you.
Not until you stumble on your shoe lace and fall down with the carton.
He immediately rushes towards you, without saying much helping you stand up and picking up the things that fell from the carton.
“Let me help you with these,” He said in a quiet voice.
“Thank you!” You bow down 180 degrees.
He notices the wound on your knees.
“Oh, you're bleeding.” He points.
You hadn't noticed perhaps overwhelmed by a new stranger in your little bubble.
You sigh at that, youquiteuiet prone to accidents.
“I'm okay,” You assure him and pick up another carton immediately and walk inside the building so you don't have to be in his presence.
He follows you and keeps the carton next to the other ones.
Just like that, he helps you bring all the carton inside the building.
Now you push each carton inside the elevator so you can reach your floor.
“Do you need help with that?” He'd asked from behind.
You turn around to only met with Park Jimin. Of course you knew him, you don't particularly obsess over them but you've heard about them around. You've seen them enough on the billboards and on your friends’ screens.
“No, it's okay. Thank you for bringing it inside.” You shyly turn down his offer. Yes, you were overwhelmed. You hadn't realized how good looking Park Jimin was up close. You friends said so but you didn't give them second glances because you were not into them. But up close, he's freaking Adonis.
“How long will you be pushing these to your apartment? Let me help you,” He smiles.
And oh.
“Two is better than one, right?” Doesn't say more and helps with the carton once again.
Once you both were inside the elevator with few more cartons, you look at him from behind as he hums happily.
No, you don't like him, he's just so close and that too a celebrity, you're just overwhelmed by his presence.
Once you reach the apartment, quickly you both fall into a routine of sliding the cartons outside in the hallway, while Jimin stands between the doors to stop them from closing.
He helps you in bringing the carton inside the apartment.
“I'm sorry, I would have offered you water but…” You trail off once all the cartons were done.
“It's fine, really.” He assures, smiling brightly and he's standing maybe an arm apart but you can see the little crooked tooth and god he's so cute!
“Do you want coffee? I can get you a coffee from downstairs as a thank you.” You say, not because you wanted him to stay, because totally not but he was honestly helpful.
“It's okay, I would like better if you clean up your wound otherwise it can get infected.”
You look down and blush but Jimin thought you were looking at the wound.
“Yeah, first aid kit...” You wonder where you kept those.
“Let me help you, if you don't mind.” He says when you were looking a round and remembering where you packed the first aid kit.
You wonder how he would help. He asks where he can get water and you guide him to the well furnished kitchen.
He wets his handkerchief and squeezes out the excess water.
Next thing you know he's on his knees in front of you. You stumble back, eyes widened.
He looks at your reaction and stands up quickly.
“Don't worry, I...uh...I'm not a pervert, I am just going to clean the wound,” He explains hastily, blush rising in his own cheeks.
And fuck!
Of course he's not a pervert!
“No, no of course. I was just surprised.” You assure him, feeling bad somehow that you made him think like that.
He asks through his eyes again and you nod for him to do it.
He's on his knees again for you.
He gently cleans your would, dabbing slowly on it and you can feel a cool air blowing on it. You don't dare to look down at him because he's hot and everything and you can't handle that when you are a sucker for cute guys.
He washes his bloody handkerchief again and goes on his knees to wrap it around your knees, making sure to keep a distance and not unnecessarily touch you. He doesn't even look at your knees, instead chooses to look at you when you look down at him.
Gives you a small but embarrassed smile in return.
Probably because the positions are awkward.
He stands up quickly after looking around and stealing glances at you.
“Uh, I'll leave. I suggest you clean that well when you find your first aid kit.” You nod and he doesn't wait for much and leaves.
“Wait, what about you handkerchief?”
“It's okay, keep it. You need it more.” He smiles with crooked tooth and gets inside the elevator.
Of course he wouldn't want a bloody handkerchief back.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 | 𝐊- 𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now