𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

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Author- sennie
Taehyung is completely enraptured by the way the light makes your skin glow and can't resist the urge the feel the beauty of it against his fingertips.

❗ Warning: mature content ❗

When dawn first peeks through the blinds, blanketing you in a golden hue, he fights back the urge to reach out and touch you. Taehyung wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth of your skin beneath his palm.

It took a lot of self-control, but he refrains from doing so - you need your rest. The night prior had been long and rigorous, fuelled by too much wine and desire. But the longer he looks you over - completely mesmerised by the way you glow as though you were a deity - the more Taehyung can't resist the urge any longer and allows his hand to find purchase on your shoulder.

He starts off just ghosting the pads of his fingers along the length of your upper arm, slow and gentle, then carries on to the remaining parts still left untouched. A shiver crawls up your spine every time his nails scratch the smooth expanse of your bare waist while his fingers trace your curves. It causes small bumps to litter your flesh, accompanied by a soft whine and the flutter of your lashes.

Taehyung holds his breath, stills his movements and smiles in silent amusement when you continue to sleep.

Taehyung readjusts his position in bed so that he can rest on his side, holding the weight of his head in his unoccupied hand which props him up just enough to catch a glimpse of the colourful petal he had sucked into the base of your neck not even five hours ago. The sight ignites a small fire in the pit of his stomach that reaches all the way to his loins and with a quick lick of his lips he leans down and presses them against the pretty spot. He pulls away just the slightest, pecks at the spot again, then noses his way up to your jaw where he plants another kiss; firmly this time.

He can still smell the remnants of your perfume and it makes him groan lightly. The scent is intoxicating and has him growing even more desperate to touch and taste you. Taehyung isn't sure how much longer he can hold himself back - desperate to wake you - but he doesn't need to go through the trouble because when he pulls back in search of his composure, he catches your eye. Taehyung startles, unaware that he woke you and feels embarrassment creep across his cheeks.

"How long have you been awake?" He questions, a slight nervous lilt to his voice.

"Long enough," You snort, shimmying underneath the sheet that's secured around your hips until you're flat on your back and staring directly up at Taehyung's warm set of eyes.

"Like what you see?" You tease.

"Like it? I love it. You're beautiful, Y/N." He smiles down at you cutely; resists the urge to pinch your flushing cheeks from his compliment and continues on "I was trying not to wake you, but thank god you're up so I can finally kiss you."

Taehyung leans down but you're quick to clamp a hand over your mouth to which he shoots a questioning look. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet, don't kiss me!" You mutter behind your palm.

He rolls his eyes dramatically and scoffs "Out of the two years we've been together, not once has your morning breath bothered me so quit acting cute and kiss me already."

Taehyung had you there.

Without further protest, you reach up and cup his jaw with your hands, pulling him into a sweet kiss which he happily reciprocates. When he senses you're about to pull away, Taehyung presses in further and makes sure you understand that he has no intentions whatsoever to let you slip away that easily and luckily for him, you comply.

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