𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋

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Taehyung’s hand felt right holding yours. His large fingers perfectly enveloped yours, clutching firmly but not enough that it could hurt. The warmth felt comfortable and sweet, enough to make you want to melt. Of course, you tried not to show any of this on your face since you were terrified of him looking at you and knowing all the embarrassing things you were thinking. Maybe you could just brush off the redness in your cheeks as the chilly wind’s fault.

He walked close to your side, his frame looming tall above you, looking absolutely breathtaking. You had retouched his hair for him in the store, and the crimson locks were gently blown by the breeze to make him look like the model he was.

It was still unbelievable that he wanted you. This incredible fashion icon/real-life angel actually wanted you. Not to say you weren’t anything to look at – years with Jamie and Hoseok had transformed your wardrobe and your self-care routines, and taught you how to flatter the curves of your body which had slimmed down a bit due to your measly journalist income and the gym membership Hoseok forced you to get – but literally no one could compare to this man. He was like a rose come to life.

Oh, you left the rose he gave you on the café table, didn’t you? Oops.

You tried not to stare too much, but you couldn’t help yourself! After pining after someone for over a decade, having them by your side, feelings out in the open was an exhilarating feeling that left you feeling like you had grown wings. Were your feet even still on the ground?

His eyes drifted down to your upturned face. “What are you staring at?” he teased.

“You,” you mumbled without thinking, free hand coming up immediately to clap over your mouth.

He giggled melodically. “Then it’s only fair I get to stare at you too, huh?”

You thought he was joking, but he surprised you by tugging you to stand in front of him, your chest flush against his. Thankfully, the street to your home was practically empty at this time of day, so there was no one around to see the intimate moment between the two of you. He really did just stand there, staring at you. His wide eyes roamed your face, a fondness in them that made you blush and try to look away.

“No, no, no,” he shook his head and made you face him again. “Don’t look away; That’s not fair.”

“But this is embarrassing,” you whispered.

He smiled. “I know, but you’re pretty when you’re embarrassed, Princess.”

“And you’re mean.”

“Maybe ~”

He held you there for almost a full minute, doing nothing but looking at your face, regarding you as if you were something precious. You whined and squirmed when you couldn’t take it anymore. “Let me go,” you pouted and tried to push him away.

“Okay, okay,” he did as you said, and you stumbled backward. You pressed your cold hands against your heated face to try and cool yourself off a little bit. Taehyung was still watching you warmly, a small smile pulling at his lips. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed, Y/N-ah,” I giggled. “It’s just me.”

I know, that’s why I’m embarrassed.

“Yeah, but I’m just not used to … you yet,” you admitted, trying not to make the atmosphere too heavy. “I mean, six years go by and after meeting a few times, we’re suddenly dating?”

He grinned. “We’re dating?”

“O-o-only if you want t-to,” you stuttered out. Had you forgotten to ask him whether or not this made you a thing? It probably did, you were still insecure about it.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 | 𝐊- 𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now