𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

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Chapter 24: Mini Party
Chapter Text
The time had come and you had two days until the mini party. You were getting more and more nervous to the point of feeling that deciding to go was a mistake. But you couldn't back down now! You had to carry out your plan to make things right! *But what if it doesn't work? What if it just makes things worse? What if i screw up so much that i won't be able to see the others ever anymore!* your thoughts were clouding you making you want to cry but you didn't, you did all you could to hold in your emotions and just take a chance! You knew that's what you had to do, even if it did mean screwing up your relationships with everyone else, its worth the risk to try to make things better.

Today was the day! You and the other two had planned on heading to the dorm later in the evening so that the others had time to prep for your arrival. You took a shower and picked out nice but comfortable clothes to wear. Light make up and hair done just the way you like it when you go out to nice places. All-in-all you were feeling pretty confident about yourself, yet still lacking the confidence in everything else.

"HEY! YOU READY? Jimin shouted to you as you finished your last touch ups with your make up.

"ALMOST! You shouted back.

Moments later you exited out your bathroom, Jimin and Tae standing in front of you speechless.

"What's wrong with you guys? And why are you standing out front of my bathroom?" you asked with your arms folded giving off an irritated expression.

The two just continued to stare blankly at you, eyes widened and mouths partially open. The longer they stared the more embarrassed you became.

"Ooooook, well i'm gonn.......... "NO!" Taehyung shouted. "You just look so... beautiful." he whispered.

"You really do!" Jimin shouted. You just stared at them both like they were nuts.

"Yeeeaaaaahhhhhhhh... ok. Well, we're gonna be late sooo. Let's go!" You felt flustered by there compliments, no one has ever called you beautiful other than your mom before. This was a whole new feeling for you. A part of you thought about how you would feel and think if Yoongi ever called you beautiful... *That's never gonna happen* you thought to yourself looking down to the ground.

As you reached the dorm you could feel your heart skip beats at the amount of nervous you were feeling, you just wanted to die before entering the dorm so you could just avoid the whole situation, but no, Tae had already opened the door and there everyone was... Once they all caught site of you they all ran to you and group hugged you tightly.

"WELCOME BACK!" they all shouted with joy. Being greeted in such ways made you want to cry from happiness, you couldn't believe how much you loved them all and how much they loved you in return. But of course Yoongi wasn't anywhere to be found which was to be expected. You waited for everyone to be situated and out of your hair to make your move.

Once everyone was in the living room playing games and having fun not really noticing what you were up to you made your way to the kitchen where you would find just Jin.

"Hey! What's up?" Jin asked as he was cutting up ingredients for dinner.

"Hey, i uh.... i um... "You want to know where Yoongi is, huh?" You looked down when he said that, twiddling your fingers taking a deep sigh before replying.


"He's down the hall in his studio room, it'll be the 3rd door on the left. You'll probably hear light music so you should be able to find it just fine."

"Thanks Jin." you said with a half heart smirk. Jin looked up at you smiling with that genuine smile, "You're welcome. If you need anything or if he starts being mean, come to me. I'll be here for you." His words made you smile and warmed your heart.

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