𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

22 1 0

(Let’s make this more cliche)
Jin loves to go around, no doubt.
He likes to explore.
Especially restaurants.
He stumbles into a restaurant with Hoseok and Jimin one day.
It was after their late night practice and they were looking for a 24 hour open restaurant.
They come across your restaurant.
You work in the restaurant with your grandmother.
Since it was quite late, you weren't expecting customers at this hour. So your back faced the entrance, your grandma already retired to her room. You were listening to music while doing some uni work.
The 3 of 7 Bangtan members enter excitedly for late night dinner.
They sit and wait for someone to ask their order.
You weren't aware of their presence.
“Yah, should we ask her?” Jin asks, after waiting for 5-7 minutes.
Both his dongsaeng push him to do it and he roll his eyes.
He walks up to you and pat your back.
Due to sudden presence, you scream and take the person's hand and twist his hand behind his back.
The other two people on their feet, shouting his friend's name while his friend scream in pain.
“We came to eat!” The youngest of them shout, asking you to please leave his friend’s hand. Recovering from the shock, You let his hand go.
He hiss and move away from you. When you finally see their faces, it's hard to not recognise them.
“I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to harm you.” You apologise in fear, bowing down in respect. The victim, Jin, was still rubbing his twisted wrist.
“Please don't sue me, I was just taken by surprise,” You went to move forward, but they immediately had their defences up. You curse to yourself, not knowing what to do.
But instead of you calming them, they calm you and ask you you relax and say they don't go around suing people.
You take their order and hurriedly leave to cook for them.
They act like nothing happened and talk normally, like you didn't just twist their friend's hand, like the guy wasn't from BTS.
He probably has insurance for his body.
You serve them meekly and run back to kitchen crying at your fate.
You never thought meeting an idol would turn out to be like. Fuck y/n life.
You hope they forgive you by giving them extra pieces of meat. Hopefully they'd notice.
When it comes to payment, you denied.
"On house." You smile forcefully, making sure they don't press lawsuits. "I didn't mean to harm you, I was caught by surprise." And you bow down to apologise.
"No harm done. In fact, I like things like this." And while you're taken back and possibly blushing,his friends or team members snort, like it's normal for him to speak like that.
When they insist on paying, you double insisted on denying.
"I want my customers to come back. If I treat you like that and ask you pay, then it's bad customer service. So please. Go on your way." And they'd  agree and leave but not before the handsome guy coming back.
"It feels weird not paying for food. Even for the free pieces we've got." And you blush because he caught. You hope he doesn't get the wrong idea.
"That's okay. You can come next time and pay. You'll have to pay."
"Only if you don't twist my arms, right?" He cheekily says and your face is on fire.
You splutter and he laughs, leaving with a flying kiss.
You totally didn't try to catch it when he turned his back. Nope.

When Seokjin returns back to car, Jimin teases him a lot.
Get flicked in the head because being disrespectful.
Pouting all the way back to the dorm.
Seokjin warns them not to bring the incident to anyone or he won't treat them again.
"It was free treat anyway," Jimin sassilly mumbles.
But Seokjin should have known better because it's already been discussed in the group chat. And JK who hardly participates has the nerve to laugh.
Disrespectful brats.

And Jin visits again, this time with someone else.
But thankfully this time you were facing the doors.
"Ah I thought I'd creep up again to get free food."
You smile shyly, "And get beaten up for it?" You ask, like he's your friend and not some worldwide artist.
He denies that he wasn't beaten up and that he could have easily taken you out but he didn't want to make you look weak.
You'd smile at his antics and let them order. He talks to you casually but formally.
Suggest his members the things to try and ask for special.
"We can do some extra meat today as well."
"You have to pay for it, Seokjin-ssi." You'd sing song.
"I'm incognito. So I have changed my name. It's Gandalf." And you burst out laughing so as the member with him.
What a fucking hilarious guy.
"JK, what's your incognito name?"
"JK." The boy answers getting a hit from him for ruining.
They talk, sometimes with you but sometimes just the two of them.
You're so giddy when Seokjin asks you something.
He's a funny guy, telling funny stories to the one across him, Jungkook. You know. You're up to date with K-pop stars.
And BTS aren't just kpop stars they are universal stars. Anybody would be pretty fucking stupid to not know them.
(*cough* korean media *cough* yes im petty.)
Jungkook smiles, he tries to not laugh but it's impossible because even if Seokjin is being lame, he is funny.
You catch his stature from the back and gulp at his shoulder width.
Wow muscular.
He sure is very handsome. Like handsomest. Like 11/10 would totally crush over him.
"Here's your food, Gandalf-ssi and JK-ssi." You'd smile and serve them. 
And then they'll eat, make a lot of approving noises and sometimes feed each other.
Not only it's heartwarming to see them be so family-ish but then enjoying your food always makes you warm.

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