𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗑

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Chapter 31: And Then There's Me
Chapter Text
"Go... HOME? Like HOME home?" Hyo-joo shouted.

"Yeah, i never had these kinds of problems back in America, i never attracted anyone over there. I'm just in the way here, Yoongi was completely right, i'm just going to end up making everything hard on everyone if i haven't already. *You took in a deep sigh*. I don't know, all i know is that going to the apartment right now isn't an option, i can't be with Tae right now, and Yoongi... i'm not sure what him and i are, if anything. He left unexpectedly this afternoon so... And i'm sure my mom would be ecstatic to have me back home. I can just go back to my normal boring life, go to college and get a job. And then BTS will be able to actually be BTS without the problems of a female being around." You looked down to the ground when thinking of going back and leaving everyone and how you would miss them all. It started to make your eyes water all over again by just the thought of it.

"Hey, you aren't going anywhere." Jimin said in a low tone as he sat next to you. "We need you here. All of us. If you choose no one everyone will accept you as there friend and noona. If you choose one then the other will eventually get over it and see that its your happiness that means the most. We would all be more upset if you left than if dated one of us (Cough) especially me (Cough) or no one." You looked at Jimin seeing him with a genuine smile and squinted eyes.

"Thank you Jimin." You said in a whisper.

"Alright, now that we know that you AREN'T leaving us. I better get home and talk with Tae. You should stay here and i'll keep you updated, ok." He said as he stood and stroked your cheek.

"Ok Jimin." you agreed.

Jimin came and gone and now you were left at Hyo-joo's thinking of what your next step should be. You sat in silence completely stumped, zoning out in your world you didn't hear Hyo-joo walk your way. Leaning up against the back of the couch you jumped at the sound of her voice...

"SO, that was cute!" HYo-joo giggled

"What? What are you talking about?" you asked confused.

"You and Jimin, maybe you should just fall in love with him!" You looked up to see her batting her eyelashes and giving off a girly smile.

"Oh shut up, he's just a really good friend. Besides, i don't need to add another guy to this already messed up situation.

"Come onnnnnn, it might be fun! 3 men that want you, man, i wish three men wanted me haha." You looked back up at Hyo-joo with a very disapproving expression. "Ok, your right, bad idea." Hyo-joo giggled. "Just stay here for a bit, Jimin will do something." You nodded at her and left it at that.


Yelling at himself while still seated on his bedroom floor....*What do i do? Why did i do that? Now i'm just going to lose her, why am i such an idiot?? Now she'll DEFINITELY choose Yoongi! Ugh, i'm such an IDIOT!* Growing more and more frustrated he neglected to hear the front door open.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jimin shouted while heading to the bedroom. "Tae, what am i gonna i with you"? Jimin asked as he took a seat next to him.

"I don't know what to do Jimin, i know i screwed up. But WHY Yoongi? I know he isn't a bad guy, he's a dear friend, my brother, my band mate. But Why? He didn't even like her at the beginning, I did! I love her Jimin." you cried out.

"I know you do. But Yoongi never hated (Y.N.), he was in denial of his own feelings and also didn't want the band to be compromised. You are really good to her and she loves you, but Yoongi and her did talk and he was more forward, she's a really oblivious girl, no one has ever liked her before, if someone loves her she needs to be told. Yoongi, he took it to the next step and kissed her which was really forward but its making her believe that he likes her more than just a friend." Jimin said while putting an arm over your arm.

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