𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒

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Chapter 3: Stage 2 이자 (icha)

Club number two is not far from the first club, they certainly could have walked it, but the company requested they stay with the driver to avoid any trouble this evening. Which is disappointing because Yeonjun is still looking for a bit of adventure. So far, all he's done is pay for some drinks, and watch a cute girl dance. Maybe this club will be different. He follows the others in through the front door, and they're greeted by another handler who ushers them to the private VIP area.

The couches really don't let you feel connected to the rest of the club, and it's not as much fun as moving through the crowd to get to the bar. Pushing past all of the people, and feeling the heat of the room and the pulse of the bass beat is what really makes you feel the energy. As they take their seats, Soobin nods and says it's his round.

Yeonjun sits watching Taehyun and Heuningkai making each other laugh at their dancing and he knows they're probably feeling the drinks more than he is. Maybe the second drink will help him relax a little. Soobin comes back quickly with a waitress in tow, who lays down a round of shot glasses and takes a big bottle from a strap behind her back and pours into each glass.

Yeonjun is impressed. He thought Soobin was going to start drinking lemonade he's been so grown up and responsible this evening, but yet he comes over with shots? This night is about to get interesting. He smiles at each of the members as they take the glass closest to them and raise it in another toast.

"To Soobin for making this a party!" Yeonjun teases as each member raises their glass high before downing the liquor in a single gulp. Several members cough at the harsh burn of the alcohol and Heuningkai pounds his chest as if to stamp out the fire. He sticks his tongue out at the bitter liquid and then smiles as the alcohol hits his stomach, warming him and making his face flush.

"I'm ready!" he tells the others and indicates toward the crowded dance floor. They each set down their empty glasses and follow after one another to go dance. A favorite song comes on just as they reach the crowd and they push their way in to find a space.

Taehyung seems to have the best moves tonight, freed up by the alcohol in his system. He spins close to a group of girls and then he feels the dizziness of the alcohol in his system and he stumbles into the group, grabbing hold of one of the girl's arms to support himself.

"Hey! Get off! You spilled my drink!" the girl says loudly, pushing him away. His friends come to his rescue and surround him.

"Leave him alone, it was just an accident," Heuningkai says frowning at her. The girls friends crowd around her and Taehyun looks at everyone, red with embarrassment.

"It was an accident, sorry I got dizzy," he explains.

"Well you spilled it over my top," she says swaying a little. Yeonjun steps past Beomgyu to come face to face with the girl, and looks down, surprised at her bright pink sweater and leopard print pants.

"You?!" he says looking her over. Her hair is a bit messier and her stare is unfocused but it's definitely the girl who took Heuningkai's drink at the other club. She holds a newly emptied glass. She looks up at Yeonjun as if she's trying to place him. She pauses, her eyes narrow, and then she recognizes him.

"You?" she says. "You owe me a drink." He laughs at the idea.

"I already bought you a drink." He shakes his head.

"Well, you owe me another, and maybe a new top." She looks at the sleeve of her top which is wet from the alcohol spilled on it. He shrugs it off.

"It'll dry."

"Yeah but it's gonna smell like Soju," she complains loudly. Soobin steps up to manage the peace.

"Look I'll get you another drink," he takes her glass from her and walks off toward the bar leaving Yeonjun standing in front of her, still eyeing her suspiciously. Her friends turn around to continue dancing now that the trouble seems to have subsided.

"What are you doing at this club?" he leans in close to ask. She looks back confused as she moves to the music.

"What do you mean? I'm here to dance. What are you doing here?" she asks, dancing a little farther away from him. He moves closer to her, to hear what she's saying and his friends disappear behind the crowd moving around them.

"I'm here to celebrate. My friends are turning 20," he explains, beginning to dance next to her, almost unconsciously.

"Me too! We have a whole list of clubs to visit tonight." She tells him.

"Oh yeah? What number is this?"

"It's the third club we've been to. I like this music better than the last club though, maybe I'll stay." Yeonjun watches as Soobin steps up to the girl, handing her a replacement drink. "Thanks." She nods and downs the drink in one quick shot. They both watch her, surprised. She hands the glass back to Soobin, pushing it against his chest sloppily in her intoxicated state. Yeonjun looks over at Soobin and nods as if to let him know he's got this. She continues to dance and Soobin backs away with the empty glass to join the others.

"How much have you had to drink tonight?" Yeonjun asks, leaning in close to her to try to keep her steady.

"Not enough!" she calls back as she dances. Her movements are defined and clear, she's in control when she dances, it's only when she stops that she seems a bit wobbly. He moves next to her, trying to copy a move she just did. He looks up for her approval. "Oh you're a fast learner," she says stopping just to watch him momentarily. He smiles realizing she doesn't know that he does this for a living.

"What's your name?" he asks, repeating the move for her. She spins closer to him, the lights flashing brightly across their colorful clothing, the music drowning out everyone else in the club.

"Tonight just call me Birthday Girl!" she sort of cheers as she says the words and it's clear to him that all she wants is to dance and have fun, exactly what he came to do.

"OK Birthday Girl, show me what you got," he challenges her as the music changes. She stops swaying and stares hard back at him, before smiling and breaking into her own choreography for the song. Several people around them turn to look at her, and stop dancing to watch. Yeonjun steps back to give her space and looks to see that several other people are regarding her. She moves fluidly throughout the song, looking like a natural. He stares hard at her, and as the song ends and another comes into replace it, he hears the people around her begin to cheer for her. It surprises him and he looks around at the attention she's getting.

He's use to attention being on him and it makes him a little jealous in that moment, but he has to admit to himself that she's got skill. As the new song gets louder, he notices she stumbles a little and reaches to grab her leg in pain. He rushes up beside her and wraps his arm around her, moving her body to let him support her.

"You might want to sit this one out and make sure your leg is ok," he tells her as he helps her toward a couch at the edge of the dance floor. He let's her drop back down onto the couch and she nods a thank you. He sits down beside her, wondering what to do next. "You're a very talented dancer. Are you a Trainee?" She looks at him confused.

"A what?"

"An idol trainee? Are you training with a company?" he explains further. She laughs, a sloppy laugh as she nearly falls into him.

"No way. I'd never do anything as ridiculous as that, those people are so manufactured," she waves her hand in front of her face being dismissive. She doesn't realize she's insulted him and he bites his lip, promising himself not to admit to her who he is.

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