𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

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Chapter 4: Advice From The Hyungs

Yoongi and Jungkook walk through the door to the studio space deep within the bowels of BigHit's headquarters. Namjoon is sat at a control desk and he spins around on the swivel chair to face them. Jungkook drops down to the couch behind him, nodding his head.

"Hi Hyung, how are you?" he asks in a friendly tone. Namjoon looks them over, raising an eyebrow at them as Yoongi stands close to him.

"You two went to lunch and didn't bring me anything back?" He shakes his head in mock anger, teasing them, but he can't hide his smile as a dimple appears on his cheek.

"Jungkook just called and said he and Tae were nearby. It was quick." He stretches his arms up as he yawns. "Move over Kookie, I need to lay down."

"Did you sleep at all?" he asks concerned. Yoongi drops down onto the couch as Jungkook moves aside.

"No, but I almost finished two of the tracks, did you listen?" he pulls his cap down low over his eyes as he rests his head on the back of the couch.

"Yes, good stuff. I was going to work on it with you, but you look wrecked. Maybe you should just get a few hours of sleep first." Yoongi waves his hand in front of his face.

"I'll be fine, I'm always sleepy after I eat oysters. Just give me a little time here..." his words trail off and Jungkook and Namjoon look at him as his head slumps over a little, already drifting off to sleep. Jungkook smiles back at Namjoon, quietly laughing at the sight. Joon shakes his head.

"He's like me when Hyunjae was born. She didn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time for like 5 months. I would fall asleep standing up." He laughs remembering those days not too long ago. His words remind Jungkook of his current concerns.

"Hyung?" he approaches this tentatively. Yoongi didn't give him the support he was expecting so he might want to try a different approach to reach out to Namjoon. "I'm concerned about Taehyung." Namjoon looks back at Jungkook, the smile dropping from his face.

"What's going on?" Jungkook isn't sure how to begin. He thinks for a moment before leaning closer to not disturb Yoongi.

"I know he's been missing his family for the last few months...he seems to show up at my house at odd hours, and a lot more than he ever use to." Namjoon nods and smiles.

"Mine too. But the kids love him, and Sujin always appreciates a little break from being 24/7 Eomma/cook/nurse and referee." Jungkook nods.

"Today, he was waiting for me to get ready to go to lunch and he was going on about how he thought he would be married and have kids by now," he continues. Namjoon nods.

"That's normal. I mean a lot of us figured we would do that after our military service was over."

"I get it, and I know he said he hadn't found the right girl yet, but then it got weird." Namjoon studies him more closely as he speaks. "He was watching a news broadcast about a little preschool that needed money for art supplies, and he sees the teacher, and tells me that's the girl he's going to marry." Namjoon's eyes widen as he thinks about this. "And he was serious. He actually thinks he's going to go find this girl and marry her." Jungkook looks to Joon hoping to see a look of shock, but he is looking up, eyes narrowed, as he thinks about it rationally. He's far too practical so Jungkook is sure that he will see what a bad idea this is. Joon nods.

"I see. That doesn't sound that bizarre coming from Taehyung. I mean if you said Yoongi had that reaction, I would have been floored, but Taehyung? No, he's probably the one person who would find someone to fall in love with that way. His heart is very open." Jungkook is concerned he isn't taking this as seriously as he wants.

"But don't you think that's a big risk, to just find someone you don't know and fly off and decide to get married? And she's probably American. What if they did get married and he moves to the States?" Namjoon looks at him, understanding a little better what his concerns are.

"Kookie, he's not going to leave us, even if he does get married. Probably what would happen is that he meets this girl, she either isn't interested, or he isn't interested and in a few weeks he's moved on and forgotten all about it. It just happened today, I think it's far too early to be worried." Jungkook sighs realizing he doesn't have anything else he can say to convince him. Namjoon studies his reaction and smiles. "If you want me to have a talk with him, I will." Jungkook looks up, a little relieved at the idea. "Come on, Yoongi's out for a few hours, let's listen to your tracks with Pdogg." He swivels the chair back around to the control desk and begins to push some buttons as Jungkook takes a seat in the chair beside him.


Taehyung lays in bed in his nearly dark room. He'd been reading and watching the sunset alone and replaying the events of the day in his head ever since he returned from the toy shop. He takes the piece of paper with the school name from the nightstand and runs his thumb over the words. He thinks for a moment and then picks up his phone, typing the name into a search and following it to the website. He scans through the images of the school with happy children and colorful art on the walls. He sees one image of her and realizes it's a profile link. He grins broadly and clicks to open it, revealing a lovely picture of her smiling in a professional posed shot.

'Hello Hana' he says out loud. He smiles at the image, screen capping it and saving it to an album on his phone. He reads the information eagerly;

'Miss Hana Wright, lead teacher in the 3-4 year old classroom, studied Montessori primary education in Seattle, Washington, USA, and is pursuing a Masters in Art History at Seoul National University.'

He smiles so broadly it makes the muscles in his cheeks ache. 'Goodnight Miss Wright, I hope to see you tomorrow." He lays down across his bed, holding the phone up above his head, looking at the screen as it glows with her picture, and he feels something he hasn't felt in months, he feels relief.

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