𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗂𝗑

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Chapter 13

Chapter Text

"Hoseok," you murmur, but he's not done with you yet, "H-Hoseok-"

You attempt to pull away but he won't let you. You're in his lap, in nothing but a bra and a pair of lounge shorts that could've doubled as panties-and he had every intention of taking advantage of that. Your body was prime real estate for his hands. They coasted over your tummy-over your skin that was softer than anything He's ever gotten his hands on.

"We," you say again but this time you say it around his tongue in your mouth. You suck in a deep breath, "We have to get to bed."

"We are in bed." He says against your lips, his long fingers were splayed against your rib cage. It was the closest he could get to your breasts without you flinching away from his touch. He's surprised he even got your shirt off today, especially because he was trying to take things at your pace. He isn't sure what the two of you are waiting for but he also doesn't question it. His dick questions it.

His dick has a lot of questions in fact, all of which could be answered by one or several of your orifices.

But Hoseok's mastered the art of reading you-what you liked, what you didn't like, when to push you and when to let up. All it took was once for you to stiffen in his arms as he brushed a thumb over your nipple experimentally, and that was enough. He was slowly but surely learning your body and gently guiding the two of you over the crest of that boundary. At the very least he knew that you wanted the same things he did. With Roa gone, you'd warmed a bit under his touch, you were more comfortable to ask for things and take what you wanted. You were almost greedy for it and Hoseok was happy about that. He was ecstatic that you felt comfortable enough with him to take and want. And he wanted to give it all to you.

But there was still something holding you back. He couldn't put his finger on it. But it was something and so for the time being he would settle for making out like some horny teenagers. By now it was penciled into your routine. Hoseok would leave for work, deal with countless amounts of bullshit and hold onto the thought of you to stay sane, then he would hurry home and tackle you to the bed so he could kiss you stupid. But Hoseok was slowly losing himself and losing the slippery grip he had on his self control when it came to you.

You were too pretty and too soft and you smelled too good and when you laughed it made his heart feel like it could explode. There was so much he liked about you as a person and so much he has yet to find out. It's like your honeymoon stage got postponed seven months and he was living in it now.

"H-Hobi," you gasp when the hands on your hips guide you over his erection. Hoseok's eyes are half lidded when he pulls away to watch you. Your head dips back and your hands clench in his t-shirt. He was painfully fucking hard and he isn't entirely sure how many more nights he could go to the bathroom immediately after and jerk one out, or worst, go to bed with blue balls and have your ass nestled against his dick the remainder of the night.

He just needed a little bit-just something to take the edge off. If he could see you cum just once he would be set for another week and half. Maybe. Hopefully.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He mumbles against your throat and you're all but curled into him-losing yourself to the glorious friction against your clit. Hoseok has successfully shut your brain off for the time being and all your attention was directly focused on the tingling sensation at your core. It felt better than masturbating and you considered yourself something like an expert when it came to your body. Hoseok however was coming for your title.

Your nails dig into his shoulders when he lifts his hips off the bed-grinding himself against your center. A pornographic moan slips from your lips and it catches both of you by surprise. You go almost entirely still when Hoseok's nostrils flare.

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