𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

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Chapter 14: Second Chance


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Taehyung wakes the next morning, much happier than he expected to after a peaceful night's sleep. A night spent dreaming of possibilities and second chances. Jimin text earlier to check up on him and he had not responded, so he sent a text again, this time sounding more worried.

Chimchim: Taehyung, don't suffer alone. Please reach out. I'm here!

He thinks about the appropriate response to alleviate his worry. He smiles as he types out the message.

Taehyung: Today is a new day, and I'm full of Hope!

The phone vibrates instantly.

Chimchim: I'm coming right over, don't do anything until I get there!

Taehyung laughs slightly at Jimin's overreaction, but he's happy to have him come by if only to tell him that despite his warnings, he is definitely going to see her again. It only makes sense since he needs to arrange for the repairs, and of course, oversee the work. He hears Mrs. Choi come in the front door and he sets the phone aside to get his robe and go greet her.

He steps out into the hallway just as she rounds the corner to the kitchen loaded with shopping bags. He runs to keep up with her.

"Can I help?" he asks, reaching for one of the bags. She looks at him startled.

"Mr. Kim, you scared me. What are you doing up so early?" She regards him, suspiciously. "Are you...alone?" She looks behind him in case someone is about to appear around the corner. He chuckles at the idea.

"Yes, I'm alone. I'm just feeling very hopeful today, and I woke up early. I think Jimin is coming over." He takes the other bags from her. He sets them up on the counter, and begins to dig through them.

"How did your meeting go yesterday?" She is still eyeing him as he looks through the groceries she brought.

"It wasn't great. But, a friend helped me see things differently and I feel better today." He pulls out a package of cookies and opens them. She grabs the pack away from him, not allowing him to eat cookies for breakfast. She busies herself with putting groceries away.

"Did you tell her how you feel?" He's surprised she is aware of what his real 'meeting' was about.

"It's complicated," he offers. She stops and turns to him.

"Love shouldn't be complicated. You just say, 'I love you', she loves you back, you get married..." He laughs at the simplicity.

"I hope it can be like that. For right now, it's a little more difficult. But, I think today may be the day." She smiles at him.

"I'm sure you will find a way. You're meant to be a husband." Her words surprise him. He looks at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"There are some people who are meant to be with someone else. Like a half a person, who isn't complete until they find the other half," she continues, cautiously. She doesn't want to be misunderstood. "You can live a very full life, but you will never feel settled, never feel complete, without the other half. You are one of those people." She looks back at him, trying to judge how he's taken her words. He thinks for a long moment and then slowly nods.

"You're right," he says softly, and then he smiles up at her with a warmth that makes her grin.

"Now, go get dressed and I'll make you something to eat." She shoos him away from the kitchen. He laughs and jumps up from the counter to go get ready. On his way into his bathroom, he grabs his phone and dials their manager.

"Sejin Hyung, I need a really good contractor." He shuts to door, turning on the shower.


He returns to the living room freshly showered and dressed for the day and finds Jimin sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. He stands quickly to greet his old friend and looks him over curiously. He expected to find him in bed, unmotivated and sad, and not ready for a new day and smiling broadly at him.

"Good morning Jimin. Thank you for reaching out to me. I'm doing fine." Jimin eyes him suspiciously.

"Is that because you're planning to go see her again?" he asks cautiously. Taehyung nods and Jimin's eye grow wide. He gasps a little.

"Tae, I don't think you-" Taehyung interrupts him.

"It's OK Jimin ah, I need to get the building repaired. That list is quite extensive. I want to help the children. I will of course see her again, at some point, but I will not do anything but be myself."

"What does that mean?"

"I mean, I will just be myself, and do what I can to help, and I'm sorry but if she falls in love with me, that's just out of my control." He laughs a little. Jimin shakes his head, but he smiles.

"Well, it is good to see you happy again. But I think you know what a risk this could be, to your heart." Taehyung arches his eyebrow at him, biting his lip.

"Yes, I do. But I'm ready for it. Hoseok came by last night. I was feeling low and he brought the sunshine back for me. He thinks I should just follow my heart. And Mrs. Choi thinks it's simple, you love someone, they love you, you get married. Like you and Dasom." Jimin smiles at the mention of his fiancé.

"I guess they're right. I only want you to be happy."

"I am. Even if she isn't mine yet, I'm happy when I think I can see her again." Jimin nods. Taehyung sits down next to him. "I asked Sejin to find a contractor for the building. I gave him the list. Now, I just have to wait for the right opportunity."

Just as he says the words, his phone rings. He looks at the screen, not recognizing the number. He looks at Jimin then back to the phone as he thinks. He answers, unsure.

"Hello?" Jimin watches as his face as it changes from confusion, to a smile, as he recognizes the call is from the woman at the toy shop. He nods as he speaks. "Yes, thank you, I saw that the art kits were delivered yesterday. I appreciate your quick shipping." He switches to use the speaker so Jimin can hear the call.

"Mr. Kim, you didn't leave an address for the return label and the school sent a thank you card to my shop."

"Oh, that was fast." He is surprised. Jimin watches Taehyung's face as he listens quietly.

"It was dropped off in my mailbox, hand delivered." His eyes grow wide. Jimin leans in, waiting to hear more. "It's a beautiful card. I believe the children made it, and it's handwritten by their teacher Miss Wright. I want to make sure you get it, is there somewhere I can send this to you?" He smiles at Jimin.

"That won't be necessary, I can come by today and pick it up from you." His smile grows.

"Thank you, I will be here until 6:00." She hangs up and Taehyung stares back at Jimin. His smile spreads to a boxy grin.

"Opportunity is knocking," he says in a sing-song voice. Jimin smiles back at him, beaming with happiness to see his friend so excited.


To celebrate Korean New Year 2/12 an Valentine's Day 2/14, I will be adding 2 additional chapters this weekend (15 & 16). I hope you like where this story is going, I have some real twists and turns ahead.

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