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It's been almost 10 years since Izzie died, today is the twins 15 birthday so some people are coming over to Jo's and Alex's house to celebrate it.

Jo is downstairs making some food for the guests while the twins are dressing up their two little siblings, Brooke and Josh, Brooke is 8 years old and Josh it's just 3 years old. Jo and Alex decided they wanted to have another kid so they had Brooke and well Josh was an accident but he's the best accident of their lives.

Alex is just going to the kitchen to help Jo with the food when he suddenly hears the doorbell, so he goes to open the door and there's Mer with her kids. Zo, Bailey and Ellis run upstairs looking for their cousins and Mer goes with Alex to the kitchen to see Jo.

- Hey! -

- Mer! You are early! -

- The kids wanted to see their cousins so we came earlier, this way I can help you with the food. -

- You don't know how to cook. -

- You don't know either but here you are. - They both laugh while Alex is looking for wine to give to Meredith.

It's been 5 minutes since Mer arrived and right now her and Jo are sitting down driking wine and laughing while Alex is cooking because Jo didn't really know what she was doing.

- MOM! -

- WHAT'S WRONG, ALEXIS? - Eli and Alexis consider Jo their second mom and they've been calling her like that since like 6 months after Izzie died.




A couple of minutes after Jo and Alexis yelled at each other from two really separated rooms all the kids come down stairs and sit down on the couch and of the living room while they talk about their things.

A couple hours later all of the guests have already arrived, same as the pizzas they ended up ordering because Alex wasn't doing great at the kitchen either. They've just invited some friends of the twins and some Jo's and Alex's friends from the hospital.

Once everyone is gone Meredith stays a little longer to help them clean the house and then she also leaves, but she lefts her kids at Jo's and Alex's house because they wanted to do a sleepover so all of the kids except for Josh who is still really young and prefers to sleep on his room. Once all the kids are ready to go to sleep Alex and Jo leave them on the living room and they go to their room.

- It was a really great party. -

- Yeah, better than last year when you decided it was a good idea to throw Jackson a piece of cake. -

- Oh, c'mon Jo, he totally deserved. -

- He may deserved but because of you we needed to spent all the night cleaning the living room. -

Alex smiles and then kisses her lips and gets her to the bed. They go to sleep with the clothes they're wearing because they're to tired to change to their pijamas.

-------- 🦋 -------
This is the end of the story I really hope you liked this story.

Btw I just posted the introduction of my new Jolex story, I'm not going to start uploading chapters till sunday but you can go read the introduction. ❤️

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