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Alex's pov

After leaving the kids at the airport, I go back home with Jo since we don't need to go to work till 9am. When we get home she enters to the bathroom to take a shower while I desinflate the matress where the kids were sleeping.

When she gets out of the bathroom she sees me sitting on the couch with some tears on my eyes so she comes to sit next to me and hugs me.

- Maybe you should have go with them Alex. -

- No. I want to be here with you, and don't worry about me, I'll be okay in a couple of hours. -

- Well... If you need anything just talk to me, okay? -

- Can we just stay like this till we need to go to work? -

- Sure. -

After hugging Jo for an hour is already time to go to work and I already feel so much better. I just need to wait for christmas to see them again and Izzie promise they'll call me as soon as they get home so I'll speak with them in a few hours. In the way to work Jo is the one driving, I really like when she drives, that way I can look at her while she sings every single song of the radio, when I'm the one driving she also sings, but since I need to keep my eyes on the road, I never have a chance to see her.

The moment we enter to the hospital I already need to go to the ER because a kid with Covid is coming, so I say goodbye to Jo and we agree to meet at the cafeteria for lunch at 1pm.

Unfortunatly the kid that came to the ER an hour ago has die. I really hate this pandemic, plus Meredith is not getting better and I'm afraid she'll die too.

It's already 12:50 so I decide to go already to the cafeteria, once I get there Jo is already there, so we get our food and sit down together to eat. I ask her about her day but apparently it has been even worst than mine. So we just decide to talk about something else.

When we get home after work we order some chinese food for dinner and we eat while watching some random TV show.

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Heyy!!! ⭐

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