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Jo's pov

We just arrived to the ferry, the kids just do the same as the other day and stay on the border looking at the water while Alex and I sit together in a bench, holding hands.

- What are you thinking about? -

- What if the forget who I am? -

- Alex they're not going to forget you in two months plus you are going to call them every day, right? -

- Yes, you're right. I'm just sad they're leaving. -

- Everything is going to be okay, Alex, don't worry. -

- I'm not worried. - I just laugh at his answer and then he starts laughing with me.

- Jo? -

- Yes? -

- About what Eli asked yesterday night... -

- What? -

- About the house. -

- Ohhh... -

- Should I look for a new house? -

- Sure! - He looks at me with a sad face and I realize he totally misunderstood my answer.

- I mean we should both look for a new house for the both of us. Or do you want the kids to sleep in a inflated matress in the living room everytime they come? -

- So you do want us to live together? -

- Of course I do Alex. You though I was going to make you buy a house just for yourself.  We've already lived together before so it's not like we don't know if we're gonna be okay living with eachother. Plus we are together so even if we weren't going to live together we would spend all day on my place or yours, which means it's better to just live together. Unless you don't want to. -

- Of course I want to live with you, I just wasn't sure if you would want to having into a count that yesterday morning you weren't even sure of getting back together. -

- Well, it's decided then, we need to buy a house. - I put my head on his shoulder and he pass his arm around me.

We stay like that for ten minutes when I decide to ask him if we could go with the kids to look at the water, so we stand up and go there with them. As soon as we get next to them they start telling us how cool it is and then they made Alex promise to them that he'll bring them here everytime they come to Seattle.

Once we get out of the ferry we decide to go home and eat dinner before watching a movie and then going to bed. We go to bed really early since we need to wake up at 5am because we need to leave the kids at the airport by 6am.

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I know this last chapters haven't been so great I just didn't know what to put, I'll upload another chapter later. 🦋❤️

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now