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Alex's pov

I hear the sound of the alarm so I get out of bed and turn it off, I'm not sure if Jo hasn't hear it or if she's just so tired she can't even open her eyes, whatever it was she seems to wake up the second I kiss her. It's just 4:45am so I decide to take a shower before waking the kids, who are still pacefully sleeping on their bed.

When I get out of the bathroom I see Jo is making coffee and some toasts for breakfast I go with her, I put my hands around her waist and I leave a kiss on her neck she turns around, kisses me and then she just smiles while looking at me.

- What time are you going to wake them up? We need to leave the house at 5:40 and they need to eat some breakfast before we leave. -

- I'll wake them up in a minute. - I smile at her for kissing her again before going to wake up the kids.

They complain for a while because it's really early but as soon as Jo screams that the breakfast is ready they both ran to the kitchen. If there's one thing they like more than sleeping it's eating.

We barely speak while having breakfast because we are all really tired for talking about anything. When we finish eating I help the kids to get dress while Jo finishes packing all of their things. At 5:35am we're already all in the car ready to leave to the airport. Once we arrive there they both run to hug her while Jo gets out of the car and I get their things out of the trunk. Izzie comes near us and says hi to Jo before getting the backpack I was holding. Then I hug the kids and I say goodbye to them with some tears falling from my eyes, after saying goodbye to me they go to hug Jo and to say goodbye to her too.

- I promise I'll calll you guys everyday. I love you. -

- We love you too, daddy. - Everytime I told them I love them they answer together at the same time, they do it with almost everyone, it's like they're connected or something.

- I'll bring them here in christmas and you can come whenever you want. You can come too. - She says that last thing looking at Jo, apparently she has finally accepted her.

After saying goodbye to the kids, again. They go to get their plane to Kansas and I stay there watching them leave with tears in my eyes and with Jo holding my hand.

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I really need some friends that like Grey's Anatomy because my friends haven't seen it and they are starting to want to kill me because all I ever talk about is Greys. 😂😂😂

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