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Alex's pov

I just left the kids with Izzie, who still hasn't tell me why she needed me to stay with the kids 2 hours more than what we first agree, not that I'm complaining, I love speding time with them, it was just weird for her to do that. Right now I'm in my way to the hospital to talk to Bailey about getting a job as a pediatric surgeon here at Grey-Sloan.

I just arrive to the hospital and since I still have 30 minutes till my appoiment with Miranda, I decide to go to see Mer. When I get to her room I see Jo is already there with her, she's holding Mer's hand and talking her about something I can't hear when she suddenly sees me and gets out of the room.

- Hey! Have you already talk to Bailey about your job? -

- Not yet, I'm meeting her in 25 minutes so, I decided to come and visit Mer for a little bit. -

- Well, the room is all yours, I need to go check on some patients. Ohh and turns out I finish my shift at 8:00pm instead of 11:30pm so we can order pizza and have dinner together watching a movie if you are free. - That's great, because I don't know what I would have done without her.

- I am, I'll see you tonight. Goodbye. -

I go into the room and tell Meredith about all that is going on right now with Izzie and Jo, I don't know if she can hear me, but she's the only person I can talk to right now, so I don't really care.

{20 minutes later}

I just got to Bailey's office and she's not here, so I just wait sitting outside till she gets here. Five minutes later she arrives and opens me the door so we can go to talk inside.

- So... I'm guessing you want your job back. -

- I do. -

- Great, let's make this quick. There's already a new chief of pediatrics surgery, which I'm not gonna fire for you so you can either take a spot as a regular attending of pediatrics surgery or leave. Make the decision fast because I have a lot of patients and I can't spend my whole day talking to you. -

- I'll take the job -

- Great, today it's friday so you'll start on monday morning. -

- Okay. Bye. -

She seems really exhausted about the whole pandemic situation, luckly they're barely peds cases of Covid-19.

I decide to go see Meredith for a little longer before going back home.

Home; the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family.

It's been a long time since I call a place home, I don't even live there, I think I just love her so much that I consider her my home so where ever she is that's where my home is.

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Do I have a maths exam tomorrow? Yes. Have I spent all afternoon writing this and one other Jolex book I'm writing on Wattpad? Yes. Do I regret it? No. Am I going to fail maths? Probably yes. 🙃

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