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Jo's pov

I just arrived from the supermarket and the kids and Alex are sitting on the couch while they go through Netflix trying to pick a movie. I go to make the popcorns I just buy while they try to figure out which movie is it going to be the first one we'll watch.
I'm making the popcorns when suddenly feel Alex's hand on my waist and his lips kissing my neck.

- Do you need any help with the popcorns? -

- Well... If you could please get a couple of bowls to put them on it would be great. - He gives me one last kiss on the neck before grunting and pulling away from me to go for the bowls. Once he brings me the bowls he kiss my lips before going back to the kids to see which movie had they chosen.

I just finish the popcorns and I divided them into two bowls, one for Alex and the kids who are sitting on the couch and a smaller one for me that I'm going to go sit on the armchair, since there's no more space in the couch. The kids have chosen the movie of Cinderella, which I got to admit is actually my favourite disney movie.

At the middle of the movie more or less, Alexis comes to me and sits on my lap and she whispers something in my ear.

- The boys occupy most of the sofa and also they have already finished all the popcorn - I laugh and then I move a bit so she can be more comfortable and I gave her my popcorn bowl which I only eat half of it because I'm not the bigest fan of popcorn.

Once the movie is over they chose some other random movie and Alex and I decide to go make something for dinner while they watch the movie. We decide to make spaghetti with tomato. While I make the spaghetti, Alex prepares the table and leaves kisses in my neck from time to time.

Once we finish making dinner, we ask the kids to pause the movie and come to eat, they both listen and 30 seconds later they're already sitting on their sits, the two of them sit in one side of the table and I sit on the other next to Alex, which as soon as I sit down puts his hand on my thigh under the table. During dinner the kids tell us about the movie they started watching when Alex and me were cooking dinner, and then they tell me about their school and about how the both of them want to become doctors as their parents when they grow up.

- I want to be a neurosurgeon and Alexis wants to be a trauma surgeon. -

- Every week they want to be a different kind of doctor. - After Alex says that I just laugh.

- Are you also a doctor? - Alexis says that with her mouth full of spaghetti but I'm able to understand her.

- I am, I'm a general surgeon. -

- Whoaa. -

- Daddy is this going to be your house here in Seattle? -

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