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Jo's pov

I just got to the hospital and I'm really exhausted, I spent all night at Jackson's house and I barely sleep since all we ever do is have sex , don't get me wrong, sex with Jackson is great I just wish I could sleep at least one hour, but I can't really go to my house since Nico and Levi are there basically all the time and when their are not there I'm working, aghh, having the same schedule as my roomate sucks.

Crap! I just got a 911 from the ER, I was hoping to get some coffee before I needed to start working, maybe I can just tell Schmitt to go so I can get my coffee. I just got to the ER, I was going to tell Levi to handle it but the patient covid test hasn't come back yet so I am stuck here.
I just finished with my patient and I can finally go get some coffee.
I was in my way to the attendings room while checking my social media when I suddenly bump into someone. When I raise my head and see the person standing in front of me I think I'm dreaming or something until after about 30 seconds of eye contact he speaks.

- Jo - That's really all he is gonna say after leaving me. Jo! I was expecting something else such as I'm sorry or something like that but just, Jo?

- Alex, what are you doing here? - I try to contain my tears while my ex husband looks at me thinking what to say.

Suddenly I hear a voice of a woman,
- Alex have you already find out where Meredith's room is? - I take a step back since Alex and I hadn't pull each other away after seeing each other. After the woman is able to get next to Alex she grabs his neck and kiss him even tho their wearing masks because of covid it still hurts like hell, Alex quickly pulls away, he looks nervous and I'm doing my best not to cry seeing Alex with Izzie in front of me.

- Meredith is in room 231 at the third floor. - That's the last thing I say before leaving to the closest on-call room.
Once I get to the on-call room I just lock the door sit on the floor and try to assimilate what just happened.

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Let me know what do you think about this first chapter in the comments.

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