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{1pm that same day}

Jo's pov

Seeing Eli and Alexis was a really good thing to do, even tho it hurt a little at the begging it helped me understand why Alex left.
We are at a restaurant all together eating right now. The kids are eating pasta, Alex a burger and I'm having a salad.

- So... Are you liking the city? - They both look at me smiling while nodding their heads, they are really cute. I turn my head and smile at Alex who is sitting next to me. When he looks at me he laughs and then he brings to my lips and with his fingers he removes a piece of lettuce that was on my lip.

- Sorry. You had some food there -

- It's okay. - My face is probably super red right now because his kids just start laughing.

When we all finish our food we decide to go to the cinema to watch a movie. We let Eli and Alexis choose and they pick a disney one.

The movie is almost finished and I'm crying a lot, it's a really sad movie, when Alex sees me he holds my hand. He always used to do that when he saw me crying while watching a movie, when we watched it a home he hugged me but in the cinema he hold my hand and that always worked he always found a way to make me feel better and stop crying. I don't know why but he suddenly takes his hand away, so I grab it again with mine and we both look at each other at the same time, his face reflects confusion at my act and I just smile. I'm happy to be here with him, I really am.

After the movie we just walk around Seattle for a while till it's 7pm and we decide to get some dinner before taking the kids back to the hotel. We go to a chinese resturant near the hotel.
When we arrive to the hotel I say goodbye to the kids and I tell Alex I'll wait for him at the car.

When I get at the car I decide to check my phone, since I left it in the car before meeting Alex and the kids. When I turn it on I see 10 missed calls, 3 are from Jackson and 7 of them are from Schmitt.
I decide to call Levi first and call Jackson later.

J: Hii

L: Where have you been? I've been calling you all day!

J: I'm sorry I didn't answer I've spent the day with Alex and his kids.

L: How did that go.

J: Pretty good actually.

L: So... I'm guessing you need the house tonight.

J: Yess! Pleasee

L: Sure. I was actually calling you to let you know that I'm moving in with Nico. We are finishing to get my stuff from your house.

J: That's a big step, are you sure?

L: I'm sure. I mean we love each other and ther is a global pandemic, we could die in any moment so we just want to be together.

J: Well if you are happy then I guess it's a good thing.

L: It is, I need to go, I'll see tomorrow at work.

J: Goodnight.

I need to talk to Jackson now, I'm just going to tell him that this casual sex thing need to finish, I mean I'm in love with Alex and he's going to stay here in Seattle so that means we might have another chance.

Jo: Hi, I'm sorry I didn't call you back earlier I spent the day out and I forgot my phone in the car. I'm also really sorry about what happened last night.

J: The day out means the day out with him, right?

Jo: Yess...

J: Look Jo I don't care what you do but you're going to get hurt again and I'm telling you this as a friend, you shouldn't hang out with him.

Jo: I love him Jackson, and I know I'm going probably going to get hurt again but I love him and I'm not going to fight against it. Plus you are not the ideal person to give advice about relationships.

J: You are right. I'm sorry. Can we just stay friends please?

Jo: Sure.

J: Great. I need to go see a patient. I'll see you tomorrow.

Jo: Okay. Goodnight.

Alex's pov

Jo says she will wait for me at the car while I go to leave the kids at the hotel room. When we get there I knock at the door and I wait for Izzie to open it.

- Hii. Did you have a good time with dad? -

- Yes! He introduce us a friend. - Why did you need to say that Alexis?

- Really? What friend? - Here it comes.

- Her name was Jo - Izzie's face change all of a sudden.

- That's great. Why don't you go inside and I will stay here talking to your dad. -

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This chapter was longer than the rest. I still hope you like it.

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now