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Alex's pov

I'm the elevator with the kids, going down to the hotel reception where Jo is meeting us.

- So... A friend of daddy is coming with us to visit the city, okay? - They both look at me surprise as if they didn't think I had any friends.

- Okay - They both saying at the same time, as always, it's a little bit scary sometimes, it's like the read each other minds.

As soon as the elevator doors open I see Jo there waiting for us.

- That's her -

- She's really beautiful - Alexis says. And she is right, Jo's probably the most beautiful person I know, in the outside and in the inside.

- Yes she is. -

- Hey. This are Eli and Alexis - Her eyes light up when she see the kids.

- Hi guys. I'm Jo  -

- Hiii - They're already speaking at the same time. She laughs.

- So where are we going first? - Eli asks. I look at Jo for help because I hadn't think about it and I can't think about a place the kids will like.

- How about a ferry ride? - The moment she says that I remember our wedding. I still can't believe I left her she is the love of my life and I have lost her.

- YES! YES! - The kids seem pretty excited about Jo's idea. I just nod and we all go to the ferri.

Once we're in the ferry Jo and I sit on a bench while the kids look at the water. I'm just looking at her, I can notice she's smiling even tho she has mask on. She's looking at the kids.

- They're really nice. And Eli looks exactly like you. -

- Everyone tells us that when they see us. - I say while laughing.

- If you are planning on staying in Seattle and Izzie is going back to Kansas what are you going to do with them, I mean you can't just leave them. -

- I need to talk to her about that but I think I'm going to ask her if they could stay one school year with her and another with me and when they're with her I'll go visit them and they'll spend christmas here with me and when they're with me the other way around. I think she will accept that I mean she hates me really hates me right now but she knows that this is what's better for them, to have both of their parents in their lifes. -

- It's a good plan. -

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Jo has met Eli and Alexis! What do you think about that?

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