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Jo's pov

- I love you more, Jo. - I really do want to trust him the way that I used to, and I think I can do it, I just need a little bit of time.

We stay hugging and kissing each other for like an hour, till we decide it's time to get out of bed, get dress, clean the breakfast stuff from this morning and then go to pick up Eli and Alexis because Alex is going to ask Izzie if we can stay with them for the rest of the weekend since the three of them are going back to Kansas on monday and after that is probably that Alex is not going to see them again until Christmas.
Apparently Alex told them about Izzie and he breaking up and they both take it really well. I hope they will not hate me just for dating his dad and I also hope after our conversation from the other day Izzie will let me hang out with them.

{45 minutes later}

We just arrived to the hotel and we are on our way to they're room right now.
Izzie opens the door.

- Hi? What are you doing here? -

- I was wondering if we could spend the rest of today and tomorrow with the kids since you're leaving the day after tomorrow really early in the morning and then I'm not going to be able to see them for a long time. -

- And you just assumed that for seeing Jo one hour I was already going to let her see my kids? - That was rude.

- I don't really care if you want her to see the kids or not. I'm with her now and since they're also my kids and also have an opinion about this I'm just going to let you know that they're going to see her and spend time with whether you like it or not. -

- Fine. I'm gonna go get the kids, wait here. -

As soon as Izzie goes into the room, Alex grabs my cheek and turns my head to give me a quick kiss on my lips.

We parted ways before the kids come running towards us to hug Alex and then wave to me, moments later Izzie comes out with a large backpack, in which are the children's clothes for this weekend, and she gives it to Alex.
Then she says goodbye to the kids and tells Alex to take them to the airport monday morning at 6am and that she'll be waiting there for them.
Alexis takes my hand at the same time Eli grabs Alex's hand and then we go to leave the backpack in the car, so we can go somewhere to eat and then take the kids to the park so they can play for a while.

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Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now