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{7:00pm that day}

Jo's pov

After leaving the hospital and coming home Jackson called and ask me if he could come. I said yes because I really want to forget about Alex and my feelings for him right now.
I'm lying in bed with my head on top of Jackson's chest when someone knocks the door.

- Are you expecting someone? - I don't think I'm expecting anyone, I mean Schmitt is working at the hospital and there's really no one else I could be.

- I don't think so. - I get up from bed and put on a long shirt on top of my underwear.
Once I open the door I see him. Crap! He told me he loves me today in the morning and now I'm bed with Jackson.

- Alex? -

- Hi, I was wondering if I could spend the night here, Izzie kicked me out of the hotel. -

I was going to answer but Jackson is quicker than me.

- Get the hell out of here! You left her, you can't show up in her house and expect her to let you spent the night here. -

- At least I don't take advantage of her situation to get laid. -

- Guys! Stop it! I know how to speak for myself. First of all no one is taking advantage of any situation and second, Alex you can stay here for the night but you need to find some other place for tomorrow. -

- If he stays I'm leaving. - After saying that Jackson just walk out the door and leaves.

- I'm sorry, I didn't know he was here. I can go and he can come back, I really don't care. -

- It's okay, he'll get over it. Have you eat dinner already? -

- No. -

- Great. I will order pizza. -

{1 hour later}

We have already finish eating dinner but we haven't say a word to each other in all that time. I just don't know what to say after the elevator and the Jackson situation. I'm just going to ask if we wants to see a movie.

- You want to see a movie or something? -

- Yeah sure. -

- Okay. You choose, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. -

When I get into the bathroom I brush my teeth, and then I take my makeup off.

Alex's pov

When Jo comes out of the bathroom I have already choose a movie, it's a christmas one because I know she loves them even tho she usually ends up crying.
She takes a blanket before sitting on the couch, which I really appreciate because is really damn cold in here.
She sits in one side of the couch and I sit in other, because I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

The movie has just finish and when I turn my head to see Jo I see she is sleeping, so I pick her up really carfully and I get her to the bed without waking her up. After she is in the bed I take a pillow and a blanket from a closet and I fall asleep on the couch.

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They're really cute ✨

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now