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Izzie's pov

After hugging the kids for a while I ask them to go outside with their dad and to ask Jo to come inside and talk to me. When she enters the room I ask her to close the door and sit down on the chair next to my bed.

- Hey, how are you doing? -

- Trying to be strong for the kids but it's quite difficult knowing that today will be the last day I'll be able to see them. -

- Yeah. The kids told me you wanted to speak to me, do need me to bring you something from home. -

- I actually wanted to ask you something for when I'm dead... -

- What is it? -

- I need you to be their mom. -

- You are their mom I can't take your place. -

- You can. I'm asking you to do it so you can. I need you to be their mom because Alex can't be the only thing they have. -

- I'm with Alex so I'm going to help him with the kids but I can't be their mom. -

- Yes you can and you will. End of the conversation. Now please go out there and tell my kids to come back inside so I can spend the rest of the day hugging them. -

Before she leaves the room she helds my hand and smiles at me letting me know that she will do it.

Jo's pov

When I go outside I see the twins holding Alex with tears on their eyes.

- Hey, kids, mom wants to see you. - The moment I say that they both go directly into her room.

I grab Alex hand and make him stand up to take him to an on-call room. Once we are inside I lock the door and I sit on one of the beds, making him sit next to me to hug him while he cries a little bit.

- What did she want? -

- Who? -

- Izzie, what did Izzie want? -

- She asked me to be the kids mom when she's gone. -

- What did you tell her? -

- No, but then she kept insisting so I ended up saying yes even tho I know there's no way I can be those kids mom so I guess I'll just try my best. -

Alex just smiles at me and then he lays down on the bed and makes me do the same so he can hug me while he just lays there thinking on, well I don't know what he's thing but it's probably about the kids and Izzie.

After 5 minutes laying there we both get paged 911 into Izzie's room so we get up and get there as fast as we can.

-------- 🦋 -------
I've started writing another story which I'll post the 3 of January. It's going to be a love story between Brooke (Jo) and Alex in highschool. A lot of other Grey's Anatomy characters will also appear. I really hope you'll like it. ❤️

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