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Alex's pov

- That's great. Why don't you go inside and I will stay here talking to your dad. - Shit!

- You didn't think it would be a good idea to tell me that you were going to introduce our kids to your ex wife, which I guess you are dating again now! -

- Jo and I aren't dating, we are friends. She didn't have to work today so she came with us. -

- Well I don't want my kids seeing her again. She's not a good person. -

- You don't know her! You can't know if she is a good or a bad person! And they are my kids too. -

- Well... Then I want to meet her. Before the kids an I leave to go to Kansas. -

- NO! -

- Then the kids are not allowed to see her, not until I meet her. -

- Whatever. I'm just gonna go. I'll come to take the kids for lunch tomorrow at 12:30. I sent you this morning the plan so kids can be with both of us even tho we are going to be living so far away. -

- I'll see you tomorrow then. And I've already read what you sent me. We'll ask the kids if it's okay with them, I do agree with that plan. -

- Bye -

- Bye -

I still don't understand why I left Jo for her. It's true that they are going to have to meet at some point if I'm going to try to start dating Jo again. I really hope she's able to forgive me for everything and to understand that I'm not going to hurt her again like that, I'm not expecting to be back with her tomorrow but I'm gonna do everything in my power to prove her that I want to spent every second of my life with her.

When I arrive to the parking I see Jo waiting for me already in the car looking at instagram on her phone. Since it's just 8:15pm I decide to ask her if she wants to go get some ice cream and eat it while walking around the town. She agrees so we go to an ice-cream shop near the hotel.

She gets a chocolate one, as always and I get vanilla one.

- So... Can I stay at your house again today or are you really going to kick me out. - I know she is going to let me stay but I didn't know any other way to start the conversation.

- I'll let you stay if you buy me those donuts and coffee again tomorrow before work. - We both laugh at her answer. I love just spending time with her like this, just the both of us walking around thet town laughing and talking while eating ice cream.

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Jo is going to switch to OB. I'm really happy for her ✨❤️

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now