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Alex's pov

I feel a kiss on my lips and when I open my eyes I see Jo in front of me already dress up and smiling at me.

- We didn't want to wake you up, but I need to buy something for breakfast and I can't leave the kids here alone, so I needed to wake you. They're watching the TV. I'll be back in 15 minutes. - She kisses me again and then she says goodbye to kids before leaving to go buy some food.

I check my phone and I see it's 9am so I get out of bed, I go to say goodmorning to kids and then I prepare the table for breakfast and make the beds before sitting in the couch to watch some TV with the twins. They don't seem angry at me anymore, which is great because they're leaving tomorrow morning and I really didn't want them to leave being angry at me.

5 minutes after sitting down Jo enters through the door with a box of Eli and Alexis favourite cereals and a box of donuts. I get up to help her and then we all sit on the table to eat the breakfast. While we are having breakfast we discuss what are the things that we could do today and we all end up agreeing on going to a museum in the morning, then going out to eat a restaurant and finally spend the afternoon on a ferry boat before coming back home for dinner.

When we finish breakfast I help the kids get ready for the day while Jo finishes cleaning the table and the things from breakfast.

Once we are all in the car we decide to go to the Seattle Art Museum. While we are in the car we just talk about random stuff till we arrive there about 15 minutes after leaving home.

We stay at the museum for about 3 or 4 hours looking at the paintings till both of the kids get bored and insist on leaving, so since it's already 13:25pm we decide to listen to them and go have some food since we need to be on the ferry by 15:30pm. We go to a mexican restaurant next to the museum.

The kids spend all lunch asking Jo things about her life and her surgeon career.

- Guys, it's time to go or we will lose the ferry, you can keep asking Jo questions about surgeries on the car. Let's go. -

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I've just uploaded the first chapter of my christmas Jolex story. Go check it and let me now if you liked it.

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