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{7:00pm that same day}

Alex's pov

I haven't seen Jo again after the Jackson thing. Since it's already dinner time I decide to go back to the hotel with Izzie and my kids. Once I get to the hotel we decide to order a pizza for dinner after dinner we watch a movie which I'm not understanding anything about because I'm not watching since I can't stop thinking about Jo.

When the movie is over we put the kids in bed and go to our room I was just planning on sleeping but then Izzie starts talking.

- How did it go today at the hospital? -

- Fine -

- Did you get to see any of your friends? Or your ex wife? - Why did she need to mention Jo again? Izzie is always talking about her trying to get information about her or saying bad things about her and criticizing her even though she doesn't know her. When I first move to Kansas things between me an Izzie were great until she started to want to make every conversation about Jo since then things are really bad between us and we always end up fighting because I defend Jo and Izzie starts yelling at me saying that it looks like I love Jo more than I love her and saying that I don't even care about her anymore despite the fact that she is my girlfriend and the mother of my kids. And to be honest I'm not sure I'm love with her anymore I mean this Izzie it's not the girl I fell in love with, she is a total different person.

- She wasn't working today, I gonna go to sleep, I want to go to see Meredith again tomorrow morning. -

- Okay. Goodnight. -

Jo's pov

It's already 7:00pm, I just finished with my last patient and I have decided that I'm going to sleep at my place today because I'm really tired and I'm not really on the mood for having sex with jackson today.
I decide to call Levi before leaving the hospital to make sure I'm not going to found him and Nico in the middle of the act.
When I get home I see Levi is there alone and he tells me that Nico needed to work this night so we decide to order pizza and while we eat it I tell him everything that happened today at the hospital. After that we just go to sleep because I'm to tired to watch a movie and I need to wake up early for work tomorrow.
I really hope I get to see Alex again before he leaves Seattle.

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