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Jo's pov


Ughhh, I really don't want to work today, why is the damn alarm so high?

- Turn it off! - Apparently Alex hates it as much as I do. At least he's still hugging me. I still can't believe I told him I love him last night.

I get out of bed and go to turn off the alarm. And then I just take some clothes and go into the bathroom to take a shower before going to work. When I get out of the bathroom Alex's not there. Crap! He left me again I shouldn't have done that last night. Without even noticing a tear comes out of my eye. I just decide to go to the kitchen to get some breakfast before work, before I get to the kitchen the front door opens and Alex appears with a box of donuts and two cups of coffee in his hand. Thank God!

- I promised you I would buy you breakfast today. - I just smile and sit down waiting for him to come and sit next to me.

- Thanks. - I say after taking a sip of my coffee.

- So... Are you going to be working all day? -

- Yes, I get out at 11:30 pm today. -

- That's sucks -

- It really does. What are your plans for the day? -

- I'm gonna go to have lunch with the kids. And then I'm going to go to the hospital to talk to Bailey about getting my job back. -

- That's great. I really hope she gaves you your job back. I need to go to work now. I'll see you tonight. Bye -

- Bye. -

Alex's pov

- Bye. -

Having breakfast with Jo has been great, I wish we had talked about what last night meant, I mean, I perfectly know what it meant for me, I just don't know if it meant the same thing for her. When I entered to the house today after buying breakfast I saw an expression of releaved on her face when she saw me as if she was worried for me leaving her again, and seeing her like that broke me.

{12:35 that same day}

I just pick up the kids and we are in our way to a restaurant where I used to come when I lived here in Seattle and it had really great burgers which both Eli and Alexis love.

Jo's pov

I'm outside of the hospital getting some air when I see Izzie walking towards me.

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I'm really sorry for not posting any chapters yesterday, I had a really important exam today so I spent all day studying.
I'll try to upload again this night. ❤️✨

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now