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Alex's pov

It's been three days since Izzie and the kids got here we've spent most of the time spending time as a family the 5 of us and it has all been going pretty great till now.

The twins are at Mer's house and Jo and I are sitting on the waiting room till some doctors are working on Izzie who suddenly colapsed during breakfast, the moment she fell Jo called and ambulance and stay with Izzie waiting while I took the kids to Mer's and then I met them both at the hospital. They've been working on Izzie for an hour now and no one is updating us so we have no idea of what's going plus Izzie signed a DNR so if she starts crashing then the last memory my kids will have of her mom will be she passing away during breakfast.

- Jo? Alex? -

- Schmitt! What's going on with her? -

- She's fine but according to the tests she will probably not make it through the night. I'm so sorry. She's on room 212. -

Jo and I both rush into her room the moment Levi told us the number.

Jo's pov

Alex enters into the room while I wait outside so he and Izzie can talk about 10 minutes later he gets out the room and the moment he walks out that door he comes to me and hugs me while crying I rub my hand around his back while telling him everything is going to be okay.

Once he's able to control himself and stop crying he tells me Izzie wants us to go for the kids so she can say goodbye to them and explain them what's going on. Instead of going to Mer's we just call her and ask her to bring them here so that way we don't need to go pick them up.

Once they're here Alex explains them that mommy is sick and that they're going to go talk to her but that she's going to have a lot of tubes and things like that. We let them go into the room by their own while Alex, Mer and I just wait outside.

Izzie's pov

I see the kids coming through the door of my room, they look worried and confused I guess it's a normal reaction having into a count that they saw me passing out this morning.
They both come to the left side of my bed and Alexis holds my hand while Eli just stays next to her.

- Are you okay mommy? -

- I'm fine darling but I need to explain you and your brother something. -

- What? -

- Do you guys remember when grandma was really sick and one day she just went to heaven? -

- Are you leaving us and going to heaven like grandma? Mom are you going to die? - When Eli asks me this with tears in his eyes, same as his sister I suddenly start crying too. I'm going to miss my kids so much.

- I am. I'm really sorry, I don't want to die but there's nothing me or the doctors can do. -

- We don't want you to die. - After Alexis says that they both get into bed with me, one on each side, with their heads on my chest and my arms around their body.

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There four chapters left, I'll post one later today and I'll post the other three tomorrow. ✨

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now