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Izzie's pov

I see the girl that told Alex and me how to get to Meredith's room the other day, so I decide to go and ask her if she where Jo is. I know Alex is not gonna introduce us, so I've decide to come on my own while he's with the kids so that way I can meet her.

- Hi. -

- Hi, do you need anything? -

- Actually, I do, I was wondering if you knew who Jo is and where can I found her? -

- That's me. - She's really not what I expected, I imagined a really tall and blonde girl, with blue eyes...

- Ohh. Hi, I'm Izzie. -

- I know who you are. Do you need anything? I really need to go back to work. - Doesn't seem to like me very much, I mean I don't like her either but she basically stole me my boyfriend so I have a reason to be mad.

- I was just hoping we could talk, I mean, yesterday you spent almost all days with my kids and I don't even know you. -

- I have a surgery in 10 minutes, so I can't talk right now, but it's a really short surgery so I can meet you at the hospital cafeteria in an hour. -

- Fine. -

She lefts and I call Alex to ask him to stay with the kids till 4pm, since its 1:10pm right now and I don't know how much I'm going to talk to Jo. She doesn't  actually seem such a bad person.

{1 hour later}

I've been 5 minutes waiting when I see her entering the cafeteria, I call her name so she can see me and once she sits in front of me we both order a cup of coffee and then she starts talking.

- So. What do you want to know? -

- Are you and Alex dating again? -

- I'm not sure - I'm not sure?! What kind of answer is that?

- Ohh... You want to date him again? -

- I'm sorry. Why exactly is this relevant to you? - She's just stupid!

- Because if you two date that makes you the step-mom of my kids. - After I say this the waiter brings us our drinks.

- Well. I'm not sure, but I'll make sure you are the first to know if that happens. -

- Thanks. -

- Was that your only question? -

- Umm... No. I also wanted to know some things about you, since you are clearly gonna spend a lot of time with Eli and Alexis. -

I just ask her a lot of random stuff for an hour because she needed to go back to work.
To be honest I more or less like her at the end, I gotta admit that for a second I forgot that Alex has leave me for her.
After finishing my coffee I go back to the hotel so I can take care of the twins.

Jo's pov

She's nothing like I imagined, Alex told me she was a really happy and cheerful person and things like that and that person I just talked for an hour is nothing like that, maybe is because she obviusly doesn't like me so she just acts different with me or something like that. I gotta admit she doesn't look like a bad person even tho she was kinda annoying with all those questions, but I can understand that she did it for her kids.

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