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Jo's pov

It's been 1 month since Izzie and the kids went back to Kansas and Alex and I just bought a new house, which is just a couple of minutes from Meredith's house, who by the way has already recovered from the coronavirus.

Our new house is really similar to Mer's and each of the twins will have their own room as they requested. Alex had already tell them that we are together and that I'll be living with them when they came home.

While we are putting the moving boxes in our new house, Alex receives a call and goes out to the patio of the house to answer while I remove a few books from one of the boxes. When Alex comes back in he has a confused expression on his face and he also looks quite sad. I go to him to ask what happened.

- Who was that? -

- It was Izzie. -

-Alex you're scaring me, what's going on? -

- The cancer is back. Izzie is gonna die. - After saying that he starts crying so I get closer to him and hug him.

Die? Izzie is going to die? I start crying too, during this month Izzie and I started to like each other, she can't die, she can't left Eli and Alexis without a mom. There has to be a way to save her, she beated cancer once, she can do it another time.

- Isn't there a way to save her? Surgery, quimio, radiation? -

- Apparently the cancer is all over her body, there's no way to save her. She's coming here with the kids next week. She asked me if they could live here, the three of them, till she dies. She says she only haves a couple of weeks till she dies and  she wants the kids to be happy during that weeks. -

- Then we need to hurry up with the moving so it can all be ready for them when they come. -

It has been one week since we found out Izzie's cancer was back, she and the kids are arriving today in a couple of hours, Alex and I don't need to work today so we're going to get them from the airport. Right now we're finishing to decorate the house. Alex has been in a really sad mood all week, I hope he changes that when the kids arrive because Izzie said she just wants them to be happy and she's not planning on telling them about the cancer till she's really feeling weak and bad.

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Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now