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{10:00am next morning}

Jo's pov

I just wake up, I don't remember falling asleep on my bed. When I turn my head I see Alex at the kitchen drinking coffee and eating a donut. I don't think I have coffee and donuts at my kitchen.

- Hi, since when do you sleep so much? -

- Since I haven't sleep in days. - He laughs at my answer. I love seeing him laugh.

- What are you eating? - I ask while I get out of bed and go sit at the kitchen next to him. I don't have to work today, that's why I woke up late.

- I woke up at 9 and when I looked at your kitchen I saw you didn't have any food so I went I buy us some coffee and donuts.-

- Thank you. - I say while I get the donut he was offering me.

While we eat breakfast he asks me if I need to go to work I say I don't and I decide to ask him if he going to go see Meredith, he tells me that Izzie is going to spend the day at the hospital because they need her for a case there, so he's going to be with Eli and Alexis all day. He says he's going to take them around the city because they didn't have a chance to see the city yet.

- Can I go with you? - I really don't know why I just ask him to go with him and his kids to see the city, I guess I just want to spend some more time with him.

- Sure but we need to leave in 30 minutes. -

- Okay. Can you please clean all this, I need to go take a shower. -

- Sure. Don't worry. -

{30 minutes later}

Alex's pov

We're in the car on the way to the hotel to pick up the kids when I decide to ask her what I've wanted to know for 2 days.

- Jo, can I ask you something? - She just nods. So I just decide to say it now because if not I'm not going to dare to do it any other day.

- What's going on with you and Jackson? - She seems really nervous all of a sudden. Crap. I should have keep it to myself and not say anything.

- It's just casual sex from time to time. We're just friends. -

- Ohhh -

- We are here! - Thank God we arrived because it was gonna be really awkard if we hadn't.

- I'll wait here for you. -

- Okay. I'll be back in a minute. -

I go into what was our hotel room to pick up Eli and Alexis. When I arrive Izzie and don't share a word beside the fact that I'll bring the kids back at 8pm.

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Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now