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Alex's pov

- Super. I'm stuck here with you for 2 hours and I have lots of patients I need to take care of. - Ouchh. That hurts apparently she doesn't want to spend time with me. I'm just going to try have a normal conversation with her and see if I can find out what's going on between her and Jackson.

- So... How are things going around here? -

- Basically the same that when you left. Link and Amelia had the baby and named him Scout, Teddy cheated on Owen, Meredith and Andrew broke up and Catherine and Richard just got back together. Anything else you wanna know? - She seems really mad at me.

- Jo are you really okay? - After I say that she just starts crying, so I just go and hold her because I can't see her like that and don't do anything. At first she tries to pull me away but then she starts relaxing and she lets me hug her.

- I'm sorry, I didn't want you to see me crying, I didn't wanna cry. There's just a lot of things happening right now. With all the covid stuff I lose basically all of my patients and Meredith is not doing great and now you came back, I'm just a mess right now. I'm sorry for crying, I really am. - God. I hate to see her so broken and the fact that I'm one of the reasons why she is crying is even worst. I should have never come back home.

- It's okay to cry sometimes Jo. You are the strongest person I know I can assure you that you will get through this. It's all going to be okay. -

After I say that we spend about 30 minutes hugging until she finally talks.

- Thanks Alex - After saying that she goes away from me and sits on the other side of the elevator.

Jo's pov

-  Thanks Alex - I really like hugging Alex but I couldn't do it knowing he is with Izzie. So I just go to the other side of the elevator.

- Of course. - He seems sad that I moved. I'm not the one who left so I don't think he has right to be sad about that I mean he is the one with a girlfriend.

- So... How are you? - I really want to know what he is been doing since he left.

- Not great. -

- Why? -

- The kids are great, but she is not the person I fall in love with, I don't really think I have any types of feelings for her. The first 2 weeks were really good but since then all we do is argue because she wants to know about my life here in Seattle after she left but I don't like talking about it because it hurts a lot to remember my life here. Because I really miss it, you know? I should have never decide to go and live with her. I should have stayed here with you and ask Izzie for shared custody so that I would be able to see Eli and Alexis at the same time I'm here with my work, my friends and you... - While Alex was saying that tears started appearing in our eyes.
Impulsively I approach him, grab him by the neck and kiss him.

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I hope you liked this chapter ✨

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