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{9:00am next day}

Alex's pov

I just arrive to the hospital, I left the hotel really early because I didn't wanna spend time with Izzie.
I decide to go to the attendings room to get some coffee, despite the fact I don't work here anymore I still know where to go if want something and how to get it. When I arrive to the attendings room she is there, she is driking a cup of coffee. She is so beatiful, I still don't know how she was able to fall in love with me when she could be with any other person in the world.

- Hi. - That's all I can say.

- Oh... Hi Alex. What are you doing here? -

- I was hoping to get some coffee before I go to see Meredith. - She stands up and give me the cup of coffee she was driking when I enter the room.

- You can have mine if you want, I just got page and I need to go check on my pacient so I'm not gonna be able to finish it. - After saying that she smiled, it's the most beatiful smile I've ever seen, then she put her mask on and she goes to work.

Jo's pov

I haven't been page, I just don't want to talk to him right now so I just go and check on my patient from yesterday.

{3 hours later}

I'm on the elevator because I need to go up to the fourth floor when it stops in the second floor and Alex gets in. Uggh. Now I'm gonna have to talk to him.

- Thanks for the coffee from this morning. -

- You're welcome. -

Suddenly the elevator stops. I start to click botons to see if it starts working again but nothing works. About a minute later we ear someone saying from the speakers that elevators have stop working and it's going to take about 2 hours to fix them.

- Crap! - I say. Then I just take my mask off and sit on the floor because I'm starting to get really nervous, I'm gonna need to be in an elevator for 2 hours with Alex, great!

- Are you okay, Jo? -

- Super. I'm stuck here with you for 2 hours and I have lots of patients I need to take care of. - After I finish saying this he just take off his mask and sit on the floor next to me.

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What do you think is going to happen in the elevator?

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