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Alex's pov

I'm on the hallway of the second floor when I suddenly see her coming out of an on-call room.
I decide to go and talk to her even tho I'm terrified of what can happen.
Once I reach her she hasn't see me yet so I touch her shoulder so she can turn around and we can talk.

- Can we please talk? - Once I'm finally able to see her eyes I can see that she's been crying and right now she looks so broken. I shouldn't have left her I can't stand seeing her like this.

- Now you want to talk? -

Jo's pov

- Now you want to talk? - I do want to talk to him I just don't wanna let him see that because I don't want him to look at me the way he's looking at me right now like if I'm a broken person.

- Please - I can't say no to him when his looking like he's the broken and hurt person right now, all I want to do is hug him and tell him I love him.

I just grab his arm and walk with him to the on-call room where I was before. Once where in I lock the door so no one walks into the room in the middle of our conversation and then I sit in the bed in one side and he sits in the bed in the other side of the room, I really hate being so far away from him.
I take my mask off hoping he will do the same so I can see his face, he does take it off too. We just sit there for a couple of minutes looking at each other till I decide to talk.

- So..... What do you want to talk about? - I do know what he wants to talk about I just want him to start the conversation because if I start talking I'm gonna end up saying something I don't want to say.

- I want to apologize, not just for leaving with her without telling you but for the letter, I shouldn't have sent you a letter I should have come back to Seattle and speak with you about it. I am so sorry, Jo - I'm not sure how much I can speak with Alex about this without falling apart.

- You should have. And you should have tell me that you were coming to see Meredith too. - That might have sound a little cold but it's true.

- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. God! I even promise you once that I would never hurt you. I shouldn't have left with Izzie, I'm sorry. - After saying that Alex just starts crying a lot. I can't stand seeing him like this, before I even notice I'm already in front with my hands in his face and looking him in the eyes while I beg him to stop crying.
After looking at each other for like one minute I decide it's time to leave before I do anything stupid. Alex is still crying but I really need to leave the room. Before I go I tell him what I have wanted to tell him since we entered this room.

- I forgive you -

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What do you think it's gonna happen next?

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