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Jo's pov

When we get to Izzie's room we see two nurses trying to get Eli and Alexis out of Izzie's dead body while the two of them keep hugging their mom asking her to come back with tears on their eyes. The moment Alex sees what's going on he just starts crying harder than before and I realize he's not going to do anything so I step into the room and ask the nurses to go out while I try to make Eli and Alexis step out of the room.

I decide to talk to Alexis first, I run my hand down her back caressing her and then I talk to her.

- Alexis, I know this is a horrible situation but I need you to let your mom go, okay? -

- But I don't want to. -

- I know honey, but you need to do it, okay? Do you want me to hold you and get you out of the room with your dad? - She just nods so I pick her up and take her with Alex who's sitting on one of the chairs outside, still crying. I leave Alexis on his legs and she surrounds his neck with her arms and rests her head on his chest.

I go back into the room to pick up Eli who's still hugging his mom. I go next to him and tell him the same thing I told her sister a few moments ago.

- Eli, I need you to let your mom go. -

- NO! -

- Look, I know this hurts a lot but those nurses outside need to take her and they can't do it with you on top of her. -

- No, and you're not my mom so you can't tell me what to do. -

- I know I'm not your mom but your mom is dead and she wouldn't want you to stay like this, so let's go outside with your dad and your sister. - He stands up and leaves the room running to go with Alex and Alexis.

I leave the room after him and tell the nurses they can take Izzie. Then I sit down next to them and a few moments later Meredith appears, apparently they have already told her about what happens to Izzie. She sits next to me and grabs my hand, I don't know exactly when I started crying but I don't notice I was till Mer passes her hand through my face to take my tears away.

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I'll upload the two chapters left in a few hours.❤️

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now