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{8:00pm that same day}

Jo's pov

I just finish my shift. It's been a really long and exhausting day; I can't wait to back home with Alex. I'm not sure if he knows that I've talk to Izzie, I should probably tell him, for what we talk I think she liked me and she's gonna let me see Eli and Alexis, but I'm not sure, maybe she told Alex what she thinks. I'll talk with him tonight to find out what he knows.

{15 minutes later}

I just arrive home, when I enter inside, I see Alex in the kitchen with a pizza, I go to the bathroom to wash my hands before going with him.

- Hii. How did it go at work today? Did you get to do any surgery? -

- Yess! I got to do not 1 but 2 surgerys. - He laughs as I sit next to him to eat the pizza. - Did Bailey give you your job back? -

- Not exactly my job, because she already have's a chief of peds, but she gave me a job as an attending, so I'm not going to complain. -

- That's great! - I'm going to talk about Izzie now. - So... I talked to Izzie today. -

- When? - He seems confuse, it's obvius she hasn't tell him.

- She came to the hospital while you were with the kids. She said she wanted to talk to me and that she came herself because she knew that you would never let her meet me. -

- God! I'm sorry she went to bother you while you were working. -

- It wasn't your fault, you don't need to apologize. And she just wanted to know a few things about me, nothing out of the ordinary, plus she seems like a really nice person. -

- She is. Sometimes - We both laugh at his comment. - So... Did she tell you if she is okay with you seeing the twins. -

- No, I needed to leave fast because of a patient. -

We talk about random things, till we finish the dinner.

Alex's pov

When we finish the pizza, we start cleaning the kitchen and stuff. Once it's all clean I sit on the couch to pick a movie while Jo goes to the bathroom to take off her makeup and things like that.
When she gets out I've already choose a movie to watch, Instead of sitting on the other side of the couch like the last two days, today she sits next to me, rests her head on my shoulder and snuggles into my arms. Her hair smells just like the last time I hugged her before I went to Kansas. I kiss her head and click play so the movie can start.

The movie have just finish and Jo felt asleep about 30 minutes ago. I decide to get her up and take her to bed, then I just get into bed, I hug her and then I also fall asleep.

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Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now