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Alex's pov

- Meredith is in room 231 at the third floor. - That's the last thing she says before leaving.

God I miss her so much, her voice is like music and her eyes are the same eyes I fall in love with 8 years ago.

- She is really weird, you know her? - I just ignored Izzie's comment and told her that we should go to the elevator so that we could get to the third floor.

Only one of us can enter to the room so we decide it should be me since Mer and I are closer than her and Izzie.

- Since you're not gonna be able to be in the room why don't you go back to the hotel with the kids? I'm gonna spend the night here with Mer but I will join you for breakfast - That's a lie I just want to see Jo and talk to her but I know that with Izz here it's going to be impossible, so I need her to leave.
She agrees and tell me to be in the hotel at 8:00am tomorrow which gives me 22 hours to speak with Jo since it's 9:00am and I'm planing to stay with Meredith for an hour.

{1 hour and 30 minutes later}

I've been 30 minutes looking for Jo, I can't find her and every person I ask tell me they did't see her today.
I'm on my way to check the ER for the third time when I ran into Jackson.

- Hey dude - I say. He looks really pissed at me.

- What the hell are you doing here, don't you need to be with your kids - Okay he's definitely pissed.

- You okay man? -

- You just left without telling anyone Alex you can't come back here and pretend everything is cool. You hurt people and then come back and just say things like hey dude! -

- If by people you mean Jo, I know I hurt her and I'm really sorry, I also know I shouldn't come back but my bestfriend is really sick and I came to visit her and if you don't like that it's not my problem! - I probably shouldn't have yelled at him like that because he is just defending Jo but I can't find her and I'm getting worried, I just need to finish talking to Jackson and then I can go and find her.

- Does she even know you are here? Or are you not going to tell her? -

- Not that is any of your business but she does know I'm here -

- Stay away from her - Why is he telling me to stay away from her? He and Jo aren't really close friends I don't even think they're friends.

- I'll do whatever I want to -

After saying that I just keep walking around the hospital to find her.

{20 minutes later}

I'm on the hallway of the second floor when I suddenly see her coming out of an on-call room.

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