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Alex's pov

We let the kids choose the restaurant where we are going to eat and they both decide they want chinese food, so Jo looks in the internet for some chinesee restaurant that is close from where we are and she founds one that is 5 minutes away, so we decide to go to that one because we are all starving.

When we get to the restaurant Alexis insits on sitting next to Jo, apparently she really likes Jo, so Jo and Alexis both sit together and I sit in front of them next to Eli. Once we finish eating we ask for extra fortune cookies because the kids really love opening them, when they finish opening them and commenting every single one we go to the park so the kids can play for a while Jo and I sit on a bench where we can see them.

- I'm gonna miss them so much. - She grabs my hand with hers and then she smiles at me before talking.

- Of course you're going to miss them, they're your kids Alex and they're amazing just like you. But you can go visit them from time to time and we're already on october which means they're only 2 months and a half months left for christmas break, when they're going to come here to spend it with you. -

- You're right. Thanks. - I get my mask down and then hers so I can give her a quick kiss and feel her lips on top of mine again, I don't think I could ever get tired of that feeling. When we put our masks back on, I put my arm behind her back and she rests her head on my shoulder and we just stay that way looking at the kids and just enjoying being next to each other again.

{1 hour later}

The twins come running towards us and when they get to us, they separate us to sit between us.

- We want to go, we're bored and tired. - Alexis always is the one who speaks when they both have something to say, she loves talking, Eli on the other side don't like talkig so much as his sister.

- And what do you want to do? -

- Movie with popcorns at home! - They both answer Jo at the same time. Jo looks at me telling me with her eyes that she also wants to go home and see a movie.

- What do you guys think about going to Jo's house and watching a movie on her really big TV. -

- YES! -

Jo's pov

- YES! - They look really cute when they both answer at the same time.

- Fine. Let's go. -

When we get to the car I ask Alex to drive, because I'm not really on the mood for driving right now. I spend the whole trip from the hotel to home singing One Direction's songs with Alexis, turns out she loves 1D and the boys as much as I do. She's a really sweet girl, and she really looks a lot like her mom.

Once we get home I go to the supermarket to buy some popcorns while Alex's helps the kids to take a shower and puts them in their pijamas, because it started raining a lot when we were in the car so we decided we are going to spend all afternoon watching movies at home.

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