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Alex's pov

- Daddy is this going to be your house here in Seattle? - I look at Jo, we haven't talk about that so I really don't know. I don't think I'm going to be staying here, I mean I need a house were the kids can have their own bedrooms separated  from mine or maybe ours, I don't know if Jo wants us to live together or if she prefers us to live in different houses.

- It's not Alexis, this is Jo's house and for daddy for leave here he would need to be sleeping on the couch because she can't sleep in the same bed with someone who is not mom or us. - I really need to explain the kids that Jo and I are dating and that Izzie and I aren't getting back  together. I don't think they really understand it last time, even tho last time I only told them about Izzie, I didn't mention Jo. I look at Jo in the eyes asking her with mines if it's okay for me to tell the kids that we're together. She just nods her head.

- Listen guys, I already told you yesterday that your mom and I broke up, which means we are not together and we are not getting back together, which means we are not sleeping in the same bed anymore and we're not going to live together any more. -

- Why? -

- Well Alexis, I'm not in love with mommy anymore and being with her doesn't make me happy anymore. -

- Are you also leaving us? - When Alexis says that her eyes get full with tears and so do mine. Jo grabs my hand under the table to show me that she's there with me and that is going to be okay.

- I'm not leaving you and your brother. I'm just going to be leaving here in Seattle and you guys are going to go back home with mom, but I'm gonna go visit you and you are going to come here for christmas and I promise you I'll will call you everyday. - She nods her head, get the tears out of her face, smile and goes back to eating.

- Why do you need to move here? Why can't you leave in a different house in Kansas, near to us? -

- Because the person I'm in love with and makes me happy is here, not in Kansas. But Eli you really don't need to worry, I'll go visit you. -

- You are going to be leaving here with another woman who isn't mom? - I just nod my head.

- Is that why since you left the hotel mom has been crying every night? -

- I don't know, Eli, I don't know why your mom cries. -

- I don't want to eat anymore, I want to keep watching the movie. - He just gets up and leaves the table leaving his plate with almost half of the dinner.

- I want to go watch the movie too. -

- Get your toothbrushes from the backpack and then go to the bathroom to brush your teeths. - They both listen to me although they let out some occasional grunt before entering the bathroom.

I look at Jo with my eyes full of tears.

- They hate me - That's all I can say before I start crying. She holds me in her arms and kiss the top of my head several times trying to make me feel better.

- They don't hate you, Alex. They're just upset because there parents aren't together anymore. They will be fine, just give them sometime. - I don't know how she do its but she is always able to make me feel better. I hug her, kiss her lips and then thank her before going back to eat my dinner, she does the same thing, and a couple of moments later the kids get out of the bathroom and sit on the couch to continue watching the movie.

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Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now