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Jo's pov

Luckly I asked for the weekend off, which means I don't need to go back to hell till monday and no alarm has woke me up today. I've been up for about 20 minutes, but I really love the feeling of Alex arms around my body and I don't want to wake him up so I've decide I'm staying in bed a little longer.

It's already been 40 minutes since I woke up so I decide it's time to get out of bed, when I check my phone I see it's only 9:30am so I decide to take a shower and to wait for Alex to get up so that we can have breakfast together.

When I get out of the bathroom, already dress, I see Alex it's still sleeping, so I just sit on the bed next to him, and I go through my social media on my phone.

A few moments later I notice Alex just woke up, he looks at me and smile. Then he hugs me around the waist, rests his head on my chest and closes his eyes as I run my hand through his hair while smiling.

We stay like that for about 15 minutes while he talks to me about Eli and Alexis and then we decide it's time to get out of bed and have some breakfast and I offer to make pancakes while he takes a shower.

Alex's pov

We just sat down for breakfast, when I decide to ask Jo the question that has been around my head for abou two days.

- Jo? -

- Yes? -

- What's going on? -

- What do you mean? -

- What's going on between us? What are we doing exactly? -

- I have no idea. -

- Do you mean what you said the other night? -

- I do. I wouldn't have say it if I don't mean it. What about you? - When she says "What about you?" her voice sounds insecure, worried and broken. I don't blame her for that, I mean, I am the one who left so it's perfectly normal for her to dude, it just really hurts to know I was the one who did that to her.

- Of course I did. I love you, Jo. I've loved you since the moment I saw you and that has never changed. - She smiles. Her smile it's so pure and honest and it just make me so happy that I don't even know how to explain it.

- You want to try again? - I really hope she says yes.

- Try again, what? -

- Us. Do you want to give us a second chance? -

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Does she want to give the two of them a second chance?

Alex is back ~ Jolex🦋Where stories live. Discover now