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Alex's pov


I'm with Jo at the parking of the airport waiting for Izzie and the kids to come when I suddenly see my two kids running towards us, Alexis goes directly to Jo's arms and Eli hugs me first then they change and by the time I hugged both Izzie walks through the door. I see she's carrying all of their suitcases so I go next to her to talk to her away from the kids, who are getting into the car getting ready to go home, and also to help her with all their luggage. The moment I get to her side she starts talking.

- Don't. I don't want to talk about it, not now. -

- Fine, just let me help you with all this stuff. -

I grab two of the suitcases and go to the car with her. Once we are all in the car I sit on the back with the kids, Jo is on the drivers sit and Izzie sits next to her. During the ride home the kids tell me and Jo about this last month in Kansas and about school and things like that.

When we arrive home I show the kids their rooms while Jo shows Izzie her room for the next couple of weeks.
I can't belive she is gonna die, I know we are not together anymore and we barely talk to each other but I don't want her to die she has been a really important part of my life and she is the mother of my kids who don't even know that their mom is going to die they're going to be devastated after she dies and I can't handle that, I'm not that strong and I know I'm going to have Jo with me the whole time but they're not her kids, she did not sing up for this. I don't even know how she is I've been thinking about just myself this last week and I haven't talk to her about all this.

When we finish showing Izzie and the kids the house and they've already unpack their suitcases and stuff it's already 18:30 so we decide it's time to have some dinner and since we don't have any food on the fridge we just order a couple of pizzas. Once dinner is over we all sit together to watch 2 movies before going to bed.

Once I'm already in our bedroom with Jo both of us laying on bed with my arms around her waist and her head on my chest I decide it's a good time to talk to her.

- Jo? -

- Yeah? -

- How are you doing? I mean about this whole Izzie situation and us going to have to stay with the kids permanently, I just been thinking just about me this last week and we haven't had a chance to talk about you. -

- I'm okay, Alex. I'm just worried about the kids, they are going to lose their mom and that's something a kid should never go through. -

- I know. -

- I'm also worried about you, you haven't been yourself lately. -

- Yeah, I'm just worried about how the kids will react and I'm also worried about Izzie. -

- That's totally normal Alex, but Izzie came here so the kids could remember her last days as happy days with the both of you. -

- I know, I'm going to do my best so the kids can be happy. I promise. - I kiss her head and then we both go to sleep holding each other.

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Hii! I'm really sorry for not having upload any chapter the last few days.
By the way, I don't think this story will have more than 40 chapters and I'll try to upload all the chapters left before new years day. ❤️✨
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